
Version 19 (modified by HanwGeek, 4 years ago) ( diff )



In this project, I plan to Implement pre-sorting method in z-order pattern or Hilbert order pattern to improve the performance of GiST index building period.

Project proposal

My proposal for GSoC 2021 can be found at

Link to Github repository:


17th May - 7th June

Community bonding period:

  • I have Introduced myself over the channel and shared my proposal over the mailing list for suggestions.
  • Communicating with mentors and learned about community, working, etc. It is a great experience talking with experts in the domain.
  • Forked the repository of PostGIS
  • Updated wiki User page and added my personal information
  • Currently understanding the codebase.

Coding Week 1 (7th June - 13th June)

Coding Phase :

  • Create sort support function bindings for geometry data type
  • Implement a abbrev_convert with the current Hilbert hash function
  • Test random point data set with sort support function
  • Communicate with mentors and the Postgres/PostGIS community for more information and help

Plans for next week:

  • Push current version of codes to my branch
  • Prepare more complex test data

Coding Week 2 (14th June - 20th June)

Coding Phase :

  • Fix the signature bug of sort support function
  • Test random data of 10,000 point with pre-sort support function
  • Communicate with mentors and the Postgres/PostGIS community for more information and help

Plans for next week:

  • Ask for the suggestion about the Hilbert function signature from PostGIS community
  • Refactor the code structure
  • Create the signature of z-order hash function

Coding Week 3 (21th June - 27th June)

Coding Phase :

  • Refactor the code structure, moving hash function to inline module
  • Create a pull request and receive suggestions from community and mentors
  • Finish morton hash function

Plans for next week:

  • Create larger random data or use real-world data for testing
  • Evaluate the stability and efficiency of hash functions
  • Searching for a more efficient hash function

Coding Week 4 (28th June - 4th July)

Coding Phase :

  • Finish hash function
  • Create FlameGraph for cpu time analysis
  • Prepare io access test

Plans for next week:

  • Check the performance of hash function in detail
  • Prepare for evaluation of performance and logic

Coding Week 5 (5th July - 11th July)

Coding Phase :

  • Check the original paper of GiST in details
  • Check the implement of GiST in Postgresql
  • Prepare for evaluation of IO access

Plans for next week:

  • Do the IO(buffer) access test
  • Prepare for GSoC evaluation
  • Confirm the proper hash function

Coding Week 6 (12th July - 18th July)

Coding Phase :

  • Prepare for GSoC evaluation
  • Test the IO access with EXPLAIN

Plans for next week:

  • Confirm the proper hash function
  • Do more research on hash function
  • Go deep into GiST in postgres

Coding Week 7 (19th July - 25th July)

Coding Phase :

  • Check the implementation of GiST in Postgres
  • Test the Buffer hit and Execution Time of index query performance with random data

Plans for next week:

  • Do more detailed tests to figure out the reason of performance test results
  • Modify the hash functions

Coding Week 8 (26th July - 1st August)

Coding Phase :

Plans for next week:

  • Connect with mentors and community for the decision of pre-sort methods
  • Check the page status of different pre-sort methods.

Coding Week 9 (2nd August - 8th August)

Coding Phase :

  • Apply pageinspect to debug the pre-sorting methods
  • Do more traversal tests
  • Propose a issue about gist_page_items function

Plans for next week:

  • Fix the bugs in the pages of pre-sorting methods
  • Do more detailed tests
  • Organize existing code and test cases

Coding Week 10 (9th August - 15th August)

Coding Phase :

  • Do more traversal tests
  • Fix the issue of gist_page_items

Plans for next week:

  • Submit the final evaluation
  • Finish the documents

Final Report


GiST(Generalized Search Tree) is a generalization data structure of a variety of disk-based height-balanced search trees. Under the high-level API of GiST, structures like b-tree, r-tree can be implemented for data management. PostgreSQL defines a set of process function APIs for elements of the GiST index. Only with these function implementations can a data type be indexed and managed by a GiST structure. In large data scenarios, pre-sorting a batch of data fetched in memory may be a local approximation to the global sorting method. Recent PostgreSQL patch shows that it should speed up the build of a GiST index after some pre-sorting of the data which needs to be indexed. In one fork, the author replaces the GIST_OPTIONS_PROC with GIST_ORDER_PROC to try to define an order for data fetched in memory to sort in order to speed up the subsequent index building process. And I implemented pre-sorting methods in z-order pattern and Hilbert order pattern, Alos tested and compared pre-sorting methods on various data.

The state of the art BEFORE your GSoC

The index building process does not change the tuple order in the page and run in a slow speed

The addition value

With the pre-sorting index, the time of building index reduce to the to one-third to one-fifth of the original



  • The Morton/Hilbert hash function for pre-sorting can accelerate the process of index building process and reduce the time-consuming to one-third to one-fifth of the original
  • The query operation for different data in the same area demonstrates more stable performance
  • The query performance of pre-sorting is about 30% slower than the original

Future Work

  • Try to figure out the reason for the slowness of the pre-sorting index
  • Implement a fast Morton/Hilbert hash function for n-dimension geometry objects

Student's Biography

My name is Han WANG. I am a first year graduate student majoring in GIS at Peking University, and will get my Master's degree in 2023. And this is my github( and my linkedin( I am interested in all cool things. And it is very exciting to join the open source community! My research interest includes massive spatial temporal data management and analysis. Currently, I am working on a machine learning project based on big trajectory data, which is stored in PostgreSQL database and managed by PostGIS.


*Regina Obe *Giuseppe Broccolo

[[Category: Google Summer of Code]]

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