= PostGIS 2.0 Discussion Topics = * Serialization. GSERIALIZED structure. More things could be added: an optional hash code for fast identity checking on large objects; an optional user-data area where things like internal index trees could be serialized. * Typmod implications. * Changing the liblwgeom API * Modifiable pointarrays * GBOX as default bounding box * Documented and complete API for pointarray modification * Modifiable collections * Documented and complete API for collection modification * GEOS wrapper accessible from liblwgeom (moving down from postgis.so) * Strategy for Curves * Uniform strategy for "implemented but not complete" types? * Plan for making curves more complete? * Multi-dimensional indexing, what does the syntax and implementation look like? * [http://www.postgis.org/pipermail/postgis-devel/2010-January/008384.html 3D support for Polyhedral Surfaces, CityGML, Collada, X3D] * implement in liblwgeom 3D primitives: * ST_IsValid * Point in Polyhedra test (and so others related 9DIM functions) * Polyhedra minimal distance (to a point also to an another polyhedra) * ST_Centroid * ST_Volume * I/O functions * extensions to GML and KML * CityGML * Collada * X3D (yes please) * Merging WKT Raster into PostGIS 2.0 codebase * Switch to always use the GEOS C-API thread-safe interface