= Welcome to the Developers PostGIS Wiki! = Everybody is welcome to contribute to this wiki. This wiki is designed for individuals who want to contribute to PostGIS by developing patches or testing out changes. There will be some sections that are of equal value to both PostGIS users and Developers such as compiling source etc. Feel free to contribute to this and make any corrections you see fit. * You must login to create new pages and modify existing ones. You can create your own [https://www.osgeo.org/cgi-bin/ldap_create_user.py OSGEO Userid] or use your existing one or you can use the generic one (login:wiki;password:wiki). * Please prefix every new page names in this section with "!DevWiki" in order to easily distinguish them from other Wiki Trac pages. * For a quick overview of how to format page's content [wiki:WikiFormatting see this page]. == Useful Links == == PostGIS Subversion Work Branches == * PostGIS SVN root -- [http://svn.osgeo.org/postgis/] (you probably never want to check this out, but may want to browse to see what is going on) - source trac browser shows age [http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/browser] * PostGIS SVN trunk -- [/postgis/trunk] (this is where latest unstable work happens (currently PostGIS 1.5) ) * PostGIS SVN current stable branch -- [http://svn.osgeo.org/postgis/branches/1.4] * PostGIS SVN WKT Raster -- [http://svn.osgeo.org/postgis/spike/wktraster] == Doxygen Autogenerated Developer Documentation == * [http://postgis.refractions.net/documentation/postgis-doxygen/ PostGIS Doxygen Documentation] * [http://postgis.refractions.net/documentation/raster-doxygen/ WKT Raster Doxygen Documentation] == Other stuff == * [http://svn.osgeo.org/postgis/trunk/STYLE PostGIS coding Style Guide] * [http://subversion.tigris.org/ Subversion clients] for Windows users Tortoise is probably the easiest to use * [wiki:DevWikiEmptyGeometry Semantics of EMPTY geometries] == Compilation and Installation Guides == * Directions for [wiki:UsersWikiPostgisRpmInstallation PostGIS RPM Installation]. * Directions for [wiki:UsersWikiPostgisOnUbuntu PostGIS on Ubuntu]. * Directions for [wiki:UsersWikiWinCompile Compiling in Windows]. * Directions for [wiki:DevWikiWinNSIS Creating PostGIS setup.exe for Windows using NSIS]. * [wiki:UsersWikiMakeCheckConsiderations Make Check Gotchas]. == Patch Submission Guidelines == General model Major.Minor.Micro (1.3.6, 1.4.0,1.5.0SVN) As of PostGIS 1.4 -- we will no longer be releasing additional functions to micro releases. Micro releases will be focused primarily on bug fixes and secondly speed enhancements to existing functions. PostGIS 1.3 and below will be critical bug and security fixes. This means that only currently documented functions for PostGIS 1.4.0 are all you will see in 1.4.1 New functions submitted will have to go into the next minor release which is currently (PostGIS 1.5). New functions/features that require on disk structural changes will go into next major release (PostGIS 2.0) * [wiki:DevWikiCUnit Preparing CUnit Tests] * [wiki:DevWikiGardenTest Building and Running Garden (Torture) Tests] * [wiki:DevWikiDocNewFeature Preparing Documentation Patches for new features] * [wiki:DevWikiPatch Preparing code and other patches]