Changes between Version 17 and Version 18 of DevWikiComitGuidelines

02/24/11 00:18:51 (14 years ago)


  • DevWikiComitGuidelines

    v17 v18  
    9191    * Make sure the contributor (and possibly employer) is aware of the contribution terms.
    92     * Code coming from a source other than the contributor (such as adapted from another project) should be clearly marked as to the original source, copyright holders, license terms and so forth. This information can be in the file headers, but should also be added to the project licensing file if not exactly matching normal project licensing (postgis/LICENSE.txt '''note: we don't seem to have such a file but we should '').
     92    * Code coming from a source other than the contributor (such as adapted from another project) should be clearly marked as to the original source, copyright holders, license terms and so forth. This information can be in the file headers, but should also be added to the project licensing file if not exactly matching normal project licensing (postgis/LICENSE.txt '''note: we do not seem to have such a file but we should '').
    9393    * Existing copyright headers and license text should never be stripped from a file. If a copyright holder wishes to give up copyright they must do so in writing to the foundation before copyright messages are removed. If license terms are changed it has to be by agreement (written in email is ok) of the copyright holders.
    9494    * Code with licenses requiring credit, or disclosure to users should be added to /postgis/trunk/LICENSE.TXT.