#5005 closed defect (fixed)
ST_AsFlatGeoBuf crashes on tables when geometry column is not the first column
Reported by: | robe | Owned by: | Björn Harrtell |
Priority: | blocker | Milestone: | PostGIS 3.2.0 |
Component: | postgis | Version: | master |
Keywords: | Cc: |
Description (last modified by )
CREATE TABLE test AS SELECT x, y, ST_Point(x,y,4326)::geometry(POINT,4326) AS geom FROM generate_series(1,10,1) AS x, generate_series(10,1, -1) AS y; -- works SELECT ST_ASMVT(t) FROM (SELECT x, geom FROM test) AS t; -- crashes SELECT ST_ASFlatGeobuf(t) FROM (SELECT x, geom FROM test) AS t; --this also crashes so not just derived SELECT ST_ASFlatGeobuf(test) FROM test;
bt looks like
[Thread 1952.0x71f8 exited with code 0] Thread 1 received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. [Switching to Thread 1952.0x4b50] pg_detoast_datum_copy (datum=0x1) at fmgr.c:1733 1733 if (VARATT_IS_EXTENDED(datum)) (gdb) bt #0 pg_detoast_datum_copy (datum=0x1) at fmgr.c:1733 #1 0x00000000711c7568 in flatgeobuf_agg_transfn (ctx=ctx@entry=0x5341e00) at flatgeobuf.c:527 #2 0x00000000711c7ed2 in pgis_asflatgeobuf_transfn (fcinfo=0x84d66c0) at lwgeom_out_flatgeobuf.c:74 #3 0x0000000000607869 in ExecAggPlainTransByVal (setno=<optimized out>, aggcontext=<optimized out>, pergroup=0x5341bb8, pertrans=<optimized out>, aggstate=<optimized out>) at execExprInterp.c:4315 #4 ExecInterpExpr (state=0x84d6470, econtext=0x5340468, isnull=<optimized out>) at execExprInterp.c:1713 #5 0x0000000000623193 in ExecEvalExprSwitchContext (isNull=0x520f0af, econtext=<optimized out>, state=<optimized out>) at ../../../src/include/executor/executor.h:339 #6 advance_aggregates (aggstate=0x5340030, aggstate=0x5340030) at nodeAgg.c:842 #7 agg_retrieve_direct (aggstate=0x5340030) at nodeAgg.c:2454 #8 ExecAgg (pstate=<optimized out>) at nodeAgg.c:2179 #9 0x000000000060c88a in ExecProcNode (node=0x5340030) at ../../../src/include/executor/executor.h:257 #10 ExecutePlan (execute_once=<optimized out>, dest=0x842f930, direction=<optimized out>, numberTuples=0, sendTuples=<optimized out>, operation=CMD_SELECT, use_parallel_mode=<optimized out>, planstate=0x5340030, estate=0x533fdf0) at execMain.c:1551 #11 standard_ExecutorRun (queryDesc=0x8438f70, direction=<optimized out>, count=0, execute_once=<optimized out>) at execMain.c:361 #12 0x00000000007c06eb in PortalRunSelect (portal=portal@entry=0x52dd0e0, forward=forward@entry=true, count=0, count@entry=2147483647, dest=dest@entry=0x842f930) at pquery.c:919 #13 0x00000000007c244c in PortalRun (portal=portal@entry=0x52dd0e0, count=count@entry=2147483647, isTopLevel=isTopLevel@entry=true, run_once=run_once@entry=true, dest=dest@entry=0x842f930, altdest=altdest@entry=0x842f930, qc=qc@entry=0x520f360) at pquery.c:763 #14 0x00000000007baacb in exec_simple_query ( query_string=0x5314d30 "SELECT ST_ASFlatGeobuf(t)\nFROM (SELECT x, geom FROM test) AS t;") at postgres.c:1214 #15 0x00000000007be40c in PostgresMain (argc=argc@entry=1, argv=argv@entry=0x520f980, dbname=<optimized out>, username=0x1f8e90 "postgres") at postgres.c:4486 #16 0x00000000007202a1 in BackendRun (port=0x520f7b0, port=0x520f7b0) at postmaster.c:4506 #17 SubPostmasterMain (argc=argc@entry=3, argv=argv@entry=0x1f6d80) at postmaster.c:5019 #18 0x0000000000964b53 in main (argc=3, argv=0x1f6d80) at main.c:186
This is running with
PostgreSQL 14rc1 on x86_64-w64-mingw32, compiled by gcc.exe (x86_64-posix-seh-rev0, Built by MinGW-W64 project) 8.1.0, 64-bit POSTGIS="3.2.0dev 3.2.0alpha1-19-gf48c4a86a" [EXTENSION] PGSQL="140" GEOS="3.10.0dev-CAPI-1.15.0" SFCGAL="1.3.10" PROJ="7.1.1" GDAL="GDAL 3.2.3, released 2021/04/27" LIBXML="2.9.9" LIBJSON="0.12" LIBPROTOBUF="1.2.1" WAGYU="0.5.0 (Internal)" TOPOLOGY RASTER
Change History (10)
comment:1 by , 3 years ago
Description: | modified (diff) |
comment:2 by , 3 years ago
Summary: | ST_FlatGeoBuf crashes with derived table → ST_FlatGeoBuf crashes on table with dupe values |
comment:3 by , 3 years ago
comment:4 by , 3 years ago
Summary: | ST_FlatGeoBuf crashes on table with dupe values → ST_FlatGeoBuf crashes on tables with non-geometry attributes |
Okay I just noticed this doesn't crash:
SELECT ST_AsFlatGeobuf(t) FROM (SELECT geom FROM test_fgb) AS t;
So I think it has something to do with non-geometry columns
comment:5 by , 3 years ago
Summary: | ST_FlatGeoBuf crashes on tables with non-geometry attributes → ST_FlatGeoBuf crashes on tables when geometry column is not the first column |
Okay I think I at least understand the issue now. If the first column isn't the geometry and it is a numeric, it crashes. If the first column is a geometry then it's fine.
So this crashes:
SELECT ST_ASFlatGeobuf(t) FROM (SELECT 1 AS x, ST_Point(1,2) AS geom FROM test) AS t;
But this doesn't:
SELECT ST_ASFlatGeobuf(t) FROM (SELECT ST_Point(1,2) AS geom, 1 AS x FROM test) AS t;
comment:6 by , 3 years ago
Hey I don't have a source checkout or time to test this at the moment, but it looks to me like the problem is that the ctx→geom_index is used in flatgeobuf_agg_transfn() before it is ever initialized properly - it is initialized to 0 in flatgeobuf_agg_ctx_init() but it is set based on the actual data types of the tuple and/or the specified geom column name in encode_header() - which is called after geom_index is used in transfn() .
It looks like encode_header() should just be called at the end of the init? Instead of conditionally in the transfn/finalfn?
Hope that helps.
comment:7 by , 3 years ago
Priority: | critical → blocker |
comment:8 by , 3 years ago
Owner: | changed from | to
comment:9 by , 3 years ago
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | new → closed |
Reproduced with regression test added with https://git.osgeo.org/gitea/postgis/postgis/commit/b24d7125a3b9de291bcc46d6d92721a66702f71c.
Fixed with https://git.osgeo.org/gitea/postgis/postgis/commit/f523c156430076330ba62ec11f65fee195a184b0 and additional verification with https://git.osgeo.org/gitea/postgis/postgis/commit/b24d7125a3b9de291bcc46d6d92721a66702f71c.
comment:10 by , 3 years ago
Summary: | ST_FlatGeoBuf crashes on tables when geometry column is not the first column → ST_AsFlatGeoBuf crashes on tables when geometry column is not the first column |
example borrowed from #5000
This one gives an odd error: