Opened 14 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#450 closed defect

ST_Area(geography) returns wrong result for objects crossing dateline — at Initial Version

Reported by: pramsey Owned by: pramsey
Priority: high Milestone: PostGIS 1.5.1
Component: postgis Version: 1.5.X
Keywords: Cc: noss@…


A box that doesn't cross the dateline returns a good result:

g4wd=# select st_area(g)/1000000, st_area(transform(geometry(g), 4326)),
astext(geometry(g)) from (select 'POLYGON((178.5 2, 178.5 1, 179.5 1, 179.5
2, 178.5 2))'::geography) as foo(g); 
    ?column?     | st_area |                       astext                       
 12304.814950073 |       1 | POLYGON((178.5 2,178.5 1,179.5 1,179.5 2,178.5
(1 row)

But the same box s hifted over the dateline returns a bad result. {{{g4wd=# select st_area(g)/1000000, st_area(transform(geometry(g), 4326)), astext(geometry(g)) from (select 'POLYGON((179.5 2, 179.5 1, -179.5 1, -179.5 2, 179.5 2))'::geography) as foo(g);

?column? | st_area | astext

55910.8880691158 | 359 | POLYGON((179.5 2,179.5 1,-179.5 1,-179.5

2,179.5 2)) (1 row) }}}

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