Opened 7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#3870 closed defect (worksforme)

topology tests failing and crashing server on 32-bit winnie tests

Reported by: robe Owned by: strk
Priority: blocker Milestone: PostGIS 2.5.0
Component: topology Version: master
Keywords: Cc:


This just started happening in winnie's pg 10, 32-bit run.

Seems to have started after r15857

Add lwt_Polygonize and lwt_AddLineNoFace functions
This were initially written for librttopo. The plan in PostGIS is to use
them for ST_CreateTopoGeo, which already needs to load all input
geometry in memory.

Error is

PostgreSQL 10rc1 on i686-w64-mingw32, compiled by gcc.exe (rev2, Built by MinGW-W64 project) 4.8.1, 32-bit
  Postgis 2.5.0dev - r15857 - 2017-09-30 15:31:42
  scripts 2.5.0dev r15857
  GEOS: 3.7.0dev-CAPI-1.11.0 316c4bc
  PROJ: Rel. 4.9.3, 15 August 2016

Running tests

 regress/legacy_validate .. ok 
 regress/legacy_predicate .. ok 
 regress/legacy_invalid .. ok 
 regress/sqlmm .. ok 
 regress/legacy_query .. ok 
 regress/addnode .. ok 
 regress/addedge .. ok 
 regress/addface .. ok 
 regress/addface2.5d .. ok 
 regress/addtopogeometrycolumn .. ok 
 regress/polygonize .. ok 
 regress/st_addisoedge .. ok 
 regress/st_addisonode .. ok 
 regress/st_addedgemodface .. failed (diff expected obtained: /projects/postgis/tmp/2.5.0dev_pg10_geos3.7.0dev_gdal2.2.2w32/test_14_diff)
--- regress/st_addedgemodface_expected	2017-09-25 22:27:11.862635600 -0400
+++ /projects/postgis/tmp/2.5.0dev_pg10_geos3.7.0dev_gdal2.2.2w32/test_14_out	2017-09-30 12:02:33.617745500 -0400
@@ -19,193 +19,7 @@
 ERROR:  Spatial exception - geometry intersects edge 4
-ERROR:  Corrupted topology: adjacent edges 6 and -21 bind different face (1 and 0)
-ERROR:  Side-location conflict: new edge starts in face 1 and ends in face 0
-F1|POLYGON((3 30,3 38,16 38,16 30,3 30))
-F2|POLYGON((20 34,20 37,23 37,23 34,20 34))
-F3|POLYGON((9 20,9 22,21 22,21 20,9 20))
-F4|POLYGON((21 14,21 22,35 22,35 14,21 14))
-F5|POLYGON((35 14,35 22,47 22,47 14,35 14))
-F6|POLYGON((9 6,9 14,21 14,21 6,9 6))
-F7|POLYGON((21 6,21 14,35 14,35 6,21 6))
-F8|POLYGON((35 6,35 14,47 14,47 6,35 6))
-F9|POLYGON((4 31,4 34,7 34,7 31,4 31))
-F10|POLYGON((21 14,21 22,35 22,35 14,21 14))
-F11|POLYGON((35 14,35 22,47 22,47 14,35 14))
-F12|POLYGON((35 6,35 14,47 14,47 6,35 6))
-F13|POLYGON((21 6,21 14,35 14,35 6,21 6))
-F14|POLYGON((19 6,19 14,21 14,21 6,19 6))
-F15|POLYGON((9 6,9 14,11 14,11 6,9 6))
-F16|POLYGON((9 14,9 16,21 16,21 14,9 14))
-F17|POLYGON((9 14,9 22,21 22,21 14,9 14))
-F18|POLYGON((18 0,18 6,24 6,24 0,18 0))
-F19|POLYGON((32 0,32 6,38 6,38 0,32 0))
-F20|POLYGON((3 11,3 17,9 17,9 11,3 11))
-F21|POLYGON((5 27,5 30,11 30,11 27,5 27))
-F22|POLYGON((22 27,22 30,28 30,28 27,22 27))
-F23|POLYGON((25 34,25 35,27 35,27 34,25 34))
-F24|POLYGON((36 28,36 38,57 38,57 28,36 28))
-F25|POLYGON((9 0,9 6,21 6,21 0,9 0))
-F26|POLYGON((35 0,35 6,47 6,47 0,35 0))
-F27|POLYGON((35 -4,35 6,47 6,47 -4,35 -4))
-F28|POLYGON((19.5 32.5,19.5 37.5,24.5 37.5,24.5 32.5,19.5 32.5))
-F29|POLYGON((25 30,25 37,29 37,29 30,25 30))
-F30|POLYGON((17 30,17 40,31 40,31 30,17 30))
-F31|POLYGON((19 31,19 38,26 38,26 31,19 31))
-F32|POLYGON((36 33,36 38,57 38,57 33,36 33))
-F33|POLYGON((38 40,38 43,41 43,41 40,38 40))
-F34|POLYGON((35 25,35 45,63 45,63 25,35 25))
-F35|POLYGON((9 14,9 22,21 22,21 14,9 14))
-Topology 'city_data' dropped
+server closed the connection unexpectedly
+	This probably means the server terminated abnormally
+	before or while processing the request.
+connection to server was lost
 regress/st_addedgenewfaces .. failed (diff expected obtained: /projects/postgis/tmp/2.5.0dev_pg10_geos3.7.0dev_gdal2.2.2w32/test_15_diff)
--- regress/st_addedgenewfaces_expected	2017-09-25 22:27:11.878261800 -0400
+++ /projects/postgis/tmp/2.5.0dev_pg10_geos3.7.0dev_gdal2.2.2w32/test_15_out	2017-09-30 12:02:37.993092000 -0400
@@ -1,8 +1,64 @@
+ERROR:  schema "city_data" already exists
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
+ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
 ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - start node not geometry start point.
 ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - end node not geometry end point.
@@ -17,193 +73,11 @@
 ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - geometry crosses edge 5
 ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - geometry crosses edge 4
 ERROR:  Spatial exception - geometry intersects edge 4
-F1|POLYGON((3 30,3 38,16 38,16 30,3 30))
-F9|POLYGON((4 31,4 34,7 34,7 31,4 31))
-F10|POLYGON((21 14,21 22,35 22,35 14,21 14))
-F11|POLYGON((21 14,21 22,35 22,35 14,21 14))
-F12|POLYGON((35 14,35 22,47 22,47 14,35 14))
-F13|POLYGON((35 14,35 22,47 22,47 14,35 14))
-F14|POLYGON((35 6,35 14,47 14,47 6,35 6))
-F15|POLYGON((35 6,35 14,47 14,47 6,35 6))
-F16|POLYGON((21 6,21 14,35 14,35 6,21 6))
-F17|POLYGON((21 6,21 14,35 14,35 6,21 6))
-F19|POLYGON((19 6,19 14,21 14,21 6,19 6))
-F20|POLYGON((9 6,9 14,21 14,21 6,9 6))
-F21|POLYGON((9 6,9 14,11 14,11 6,9 6))
-F22|POLYGON((9 20,9 22,21 22,21 20,9 20))
-F24|POLYGON((9 14,9 16,21 16,21 14,9 14))
-F25|POLYGON((9 14,9 22,21 22,21 14,9 14))
-F26|POLYGON((18 0,18 6,24 6,24 0,18 0))
-F27|POLYGON((32 0,32 6,38 6,38 0,32 0))
-F28|POLYGON((3 11,3 17,9 17,9 11,3 11))
-F29|POLYGON((5 27,5 30,11 30,11 27,5 27))
-F30|POLYGON((22 27,22 30,28 30,28 27,22 27))
-F31|POLYGON((20 34,20 37,23 37,23 34,20 34))
-F34|POLYGON((9 0,9 6,21 6,21 0,9 0))
-F35|POLYGON((35 0,35 6,47 6,47 0,35 0))
-F36|POLYGON((35 -4,35 6,47 6,47 -4,35 -4))
-F37|POLYGON((25 34,25 35,27 35,27 34,25 34))
-F40|POLYGON((25 30,25 37,29 37,29 30,25 30))
-F41|POLYGON((19.5 32.5,19.5 37.5,24.5 37.5,24.5 32.5,19.5 32.5))
-F43|POLYGON((17 30,17 40,31 40,31 30,17 30))
-F44|POLYGON((19 31,19 38,26 38,26 31,19 31))
-F45|POLYGON((36 28,36 38,57 38,57 28,36 28))
-F47|POLYGON((36 33,36 38,57 38,57 33,36 33))
-F49|POLYGON((38 40,38 43,41 43,41 40,38 40))
-F50|POLYGON((35 25,35 45,63 45,63 25,35 25))
-F51|POLYGON((9 14,9 22,21 22,21 14,9 14))
-Topology 'city_data' dropped
+ERROR:  relation "fp" already exists
+ERROR:  column "g" of relation "fp" already exists
+ERROR:  relation "fc" already exists
+ERROR:  column "g" of relation "fc" already exists
+server closed the connection unexpectedly
+	This probably means the server terminated abnormally
+	before or while processing the request.
+connection to server was lost
 regress/st_changeedgegeom .. failed (diff expected obtained: /projects/postgis/tmp/2.5.0dev_pg10_geos3.7.0dev_gdal2.2.2w32/test_16_diff)
--- regress/st_changeedgegeom_expected	2017-09-25 22:27:11.878261800 -0400
+++ /projects/postgis/tmp/2.5.0dev_pg10_geos3.7.0dev_gdal2.2.2w32/test_16_out	2017-09-30 12:02:38.727525300 -0400
@@ -1,44 +1 @@
-T1|Edge 25 changed
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - start node not geometry start point.
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - end node not geometry end point.
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - geometry crosses a node
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - curve not simple
-ERROR:  Invalid edge (no two distinct vertices exist)
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - non-existent edge 666
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - geometry crosses edge 1
-T2|Edge 5 changed
-T3|Edge 5 changed
-T4|Edge 26 changed
-ERROR:  Edge motion collision at POINT(9 35)
-T5|Edge 3 changed
-T6|Edge 3 changed
-ERROR:  Edge motion collision at POINT(20 37)
-T7|Edge 2 changed
-ERROR:  Edge motion collision at POINT(20 37)
-T7.1|Edge 2 changed
-ERROR:  Edge twist at node POINT(4 31)
-T8|Edge 26 changed
-ERROR:  Edge motion collision at POINT(9 6)
-ERROR:  Edge changed disposition around start node 20
-ERROR:  Edge changed disposition around start node 17
-T11|Edge 16 changed
-ERROR:  Edge motion collision at POINT(49 10)
-T13.2|Edge 29 changed
-ERROR:  Edge motion collision at POINT(-1.1697 47.7825)
-Topology 'city_data' dropped
+psql: FATAL:  the database system is in recovery mode
 regress/st_createtopogeo .. failed (diff expected obtained: /projects/postgis/tmp/2.5.0dev_pg10_geos3.7.0dev_gdal2.2.2w32/test_17_diff)
--- regress/st_createtopogeo_expected	2017-09-25 22:27:11.878261800 -0400
+++ /projects/postgis/tmp/2.5.0dev_pg10_geos3.7.0dev_gdal2.2.2w32/test_17_out	2017-09-30 12:02:39.758857800 -0400
@@ -1,42 +1 @@
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - invalid topology name
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - invalid topology name
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - null argument
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - null argument
-ERROR:  Geometry SRID (0) does not match topology SRID (4326)
-T1|POINT(0 0)
-T1|1 nodes|0 edges|0 faces
-T2|SRID=4326;LINESTRING(0 0,8 -40)
-T2|2 nodes|1 edges|0 faces
-T3|SRID=4326;POLYGON((0 0,8 -40,70 34,0 0))
-T3|1 nodes|1 edges|1 faces
-T4|SRID=4326;POLYGON((0 0,10 0,10 10,0 10,0 0),(5 5,8 9,4 2,5 5))
-T4|2 nodes|2 edges|2 faces
-T5|MULTIPOINT(0 0,5 5,0 0,10 -2,5 5,0 0)
-T5|3 nodes|0 edges|0 faces
-T6|MULTILINESTRING((0 0,10 0),(10 0,0 0))
-T6|2 nodes|1 edges|0 faces
-T7|MULTILINESTRING((0 0,10 0),(5 -5,6 5))
-T7|5 nodes|4 edges|0 faces
-T8|MULTIPOLYGON(((0 0,10 0,10 10,0 10,0 0)),((0 0,0 10,10 10,10 0,0 0)))
-T8|1 nodes|1 edges|1 faces
-T9|MULTIPOLYGON(((0 0,10 0,10 10,0 10,0 0)),((5 5,5 15,15 15,15 5,5 5)))
-T9|2 nodes|4 edges|3 faces
-T10|MULTIPOLYGON(((0 0,5 10,10 0,0 0)),((0 20,5 10,10 20,0 20)))
-T10|1 nodes|2 edges|2 faces
-T11|3 nodes|2 edges|0 faces
-T12|2 nodes|1 edges|0 faces
-T13|GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(MULTIPOLYGON(((0 0,10 0,10 10,0 10,0 0)),((5 5,5 15,15 15,15 5,5 5),(10 10,12 10,10 12,10 10))),LINESTRING(0 0,20 0),MULTIPOINT(0 0,10 0,5 0),MULTILINESTRING((0 0,10 0),(10 0,15 5)),POINT(5 0),POINT(10.5 10.5),POINT(100 500))
-T13|10 nodes|12 edges|5 faces
-T13|1 isolated nodes in face 0
-T13|1 isolated nodes in face 5
-T14|GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(LINESTRING(8 30,16 30,16 38,3 38,3 30,8 30),POINT(4 31),LINESTRING(4 31,7 31,7 34,4 34,4 31),POINT(8 30),POINT(9 6),LINESTRING(9 6,9 14),LINESTRING(9 6,21 6),POLYGON((9 14,21 14,21 6,9 6,9 14)),POINT(9 14),LINESTRING(9 14,9 22),LINESTRING(9 14,21 14),POLYGON((9 22,21 22,21 14,9 14,9 22)),POINT(9 22),LINESTRING(9 22,21 22),POINT(9 35),LINESTRING(9 35,13 35),POINT(13 35),POLYGON((25 30,17 30,17 40,31 40,31 30,25 30)),POINT(20 37),POINT(21 6),LINESTRING(21 6,21 14),LINESTRING(21 6,35 6),POLYGON((21 14,35 14,35 6,21 6,21 14)),POINT(21 14),LINESTRING(21 14,21 22),LINESTRING(35 14,21 14),POLYGON((21 22,35 22,35 14,21 14,21 22)),POINT(21 22),LINESTRING(21 22,35 22),POINT(25 30),LINESTRING(25 30,25 35),POINT(25 35),POINT(35 6),LINESTRING(35 6,35 14),LINESTRING(35 6,47 6),POLYGON((35 14,47 14,47 6,35 6,35 14)),POINT(35 14),LINESTRING(35 14,35 22),LINESTRING(35 14,47 14),POLYGON((35 22,47 22,47 14,35 14,35 22)),POINT(35 22),LINESTRING(35 22,47 22),LINESTRING(36 38,38 35,41 34,42 33,45 32,47 28,50 28,52 32,57 33),POINT(36 38),LINESTRING(41 40,45 40,47 42,62 41,61 38,59 39,57 36,57 33),POINT(41 40),POINT(47 6),LINESTRING(47 6,47 14),POINT(47 14),LINESTRING(47 14,47 22),POINT(47 22),POINT(57 33))
-T14|22 nodes|24 edges|9 faces
-T14|1 isolated nodes in face 3
-T15|GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(LINESTRING(-5 -2,0 0),LINESTRING(0 0,10 10),LINESTRING(0 0,5 2,10 10),LINESTRING(10 10,12 10))
-T15|4 nodes|4 edges|1 faces
-T16|4 nodes|3 edges|0 faces
-T17|MULTILINESTRING((832709.937 816560.25,832705.813 816470.25,832661.937 816561.875),(832705.812 816470.25,832709.937 816560.25),(832661.938 816561.875,832705.813 816470.25))
-T17|7 nodes|8 edges|2 faces
+psql: FATAL:  the database system is in recovery mode
 regress/st_getfacegeometry .. failed (diff expected obtained: /projects/postgis/tmp/2.5.0dev_pg10_geos3.7.0dev_gdal2.2.2w32/test_18_diff)
--- regress/st_getfacegeometry_expected	2017-09-25 22:27:11.878261800 -0400
+++ /projects/postgis/tmp/2.5.0dev_pg10_geos3.7.0dev_gdal2.2.2w32/test_18_out	2017-09-30 12:02:40.508917300 -0400
@@ -1,10 +1 @@
-f1 (with hole)|POLYGON((0 0,0 10,10 10,10 0,0 0),(2 2,8 2,8 8,2 8,2 2))
-f2 (fill hole)|POLYGON((2 2,2 8,8 8,8 2,2 2))
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - universal face has no geometry
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - null argument
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - null argument
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - invalid topology name
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - invalid topology name
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - non-existent face.
-Topology 'tt' dropped
+psql: FATAL:  the database system is in recovery mode
 regress/st_getfaceedges .. failed (diff expected obtained: /projects/postgis/tmp/2.5.0dev_pg10_geos3.7.0dev_gdal2.2.2w32/test_19_diff)
--- regress/st_getfaceedges_expected	2017-09-25 22:27:11.878261800 -0400
+++ /projects/postgis/tmp/2.5.0dev_pg10_geos3.7.0dev_gdal2.2.2w32/test_19_out	2017-09-30 12:02:41.321481800 -0400
@@ -1,41 +1 @@
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - null argument
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - null argument
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - null argument
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - invalid topology name
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - invalid topology name
-Topology 'tt' dropped
-Topology 'tt' dropped
+psql: FATAL:  the database system is in recovery mode
 regress/st_modedgeheal .. failed (diff expected obtained: /projects/postgis/tmp/2.5.0dev_pg10_geos3.7.0dev_gdal2.2.2w32/test_20_diff)
--- regress/st_modedgeheal_expected	2017-09-25 22:27:11.893888000 -0400
+++ /projects/postgis/tmp/2.5.0dev_pg10_geos3.7.0dev_gdal2.2.2w32/test_20_out	2017-09-30 12:02:42.134046900 -0400
@@ -1,150 +1 @@
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - null argument
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - null argument
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - null argument
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - invalid topology name
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - non-connected edges
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - other edges connected (19,20)
-ERROR:  Edge 2 is closed, cannot heal to edge 3
-ERROR:  Edge 2 is closed, cannot heal to edge 3
-ERROR:  Cannot heal edge 25 with itself, try with another
-E1|POINT(8 30)|POINT(8 30)|1|-1|1|1
-E2|POINT(25 30)|POINT(25 30)|3|-2|2|2
-E3|POINT(25 30)|POINT(25 35)|-3|2|2|3
-E4|POINT(36 38)|POINT(57 33)|-5|4|5|6
-E5|POINT(41 40)|POINT(57 33)|-4|5|7|6
-E6|POINT(9 22)|POINT(21 22)|7|-21|16|17
-E7|POINT(21 22)|POINT(35 22)|8|-19|17|18
-E8|POINT(35 22)|POINT(47 22)|-15|-17|18|19
-E9|POINT(9 14)|POINT(21 14)|19|-22|15|14
-E10|POINT(35 14)|POINT(21 14)|-20|17|13|14
-E11|POINT(35 14)|POINT(47 14)|15|-18|13|12
-E12|POINT(9 6)|POINT(21 6)|20|22|8|9
-E13|POINT(21 6)|POINT(35 6)|18|-12|9|10
-E14|POINT(35 6)|POINT(47 6)|16|-13|10|11
-E15|POINT(47 14)|POINT(47 22)|-8|-16|12|19
-E16|POINT(47 6)|POINT(47 14)|-11|-14|11|12
-E17|POINT(35 14)|POINT(35 22)|-7|11|13|18
-E18|POINT(35 6)|POINT(35 14)|10|14|10|13
-E19|POINT(21 14)|POINT(21 22)|-6|-10|14|17
-E20|POINT(21 6)|POINT(21 14)|-9|13|9|14
-E21|POINT(9 14)|POINT(9 22)|6|9|15|16
-E22|POINT(9 6)|POINT(9 14)|21|12|8|15
-E25|POINT(9 35)|POINT(13 35)|-25|25|21|22
-E26|POINT(4 31)|POINT(4 31)|26|-26|20|20
-E1|POINT(8 30)|POINT(8 30)|1|-1|1|1
-E2|POINT(25 30)|POINT(25 30)|3|-2|2|2
-E3|POINT(25 30)|POINT(25 35)|-3|2|2|3
-E4|POINT(36 38)|POINT(41 40)|-4|4|5|7
-E7|POINT(21 22)|POINT(35 22)|8|-19|17|18
-E8|POINT(35 22)|POINT(47 14)|-16|-17|18|12
-E9|POINT(9 14)|POINT(21 14)|19|12|15|14
-E10|POINT(35 14)|POINT(21 14)|-20|17|13|14
-E11|POINT(35 14)|POINT(47 14)|-8|-18|13|12
-E12|POINT(9 14)|POINT(21 6)|20|21|15|9
-E13|POINT(21 6)|POINT(35 6)|18|-12|9|10
-E16|POINT(35 6)|POINT(47 14)|-11|-13|10|12
-E17|POINT(35 14)|POINT(35 22)|-7|11|13|18
-E18|POINT(35 6)|POINT(35 14)|10|16|10|13
-E19|POINT(21 14)|POINT(21 22)|-21|-10|14|17
-E20|POINT(21 6)|POINT(21 14)|-9|13|9|14
-E21|POINT(9 14)|POINT(21 22)|7|9|15|17
-E25|POINT(9 35)|POINT(13 35)|-25|25|21|22
-E26|POINT(4 31)|POINT(4 31)|26|-26|20|20
-Topology 'city_data' dropped
-ERROR:  TopoGeom 1 in layer 1 (t.f.g) cannot be represented healing edges 1 and 2
-ERROR:  TopoGeom 1 in layer 1 (t.f.g) cannot be represented healing edges 2 and 1
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - non-existent edge 200
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - non-existent edge 100
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - non-connected edges
-Topology 't' dropped
-#1955.1|2|start nodes
-#1955.1|1|nodes left
-#1955.2|4|start nodes
-#1955.2|3|nodes left
-#1955.3|5|start nodes
-#1955.3|4|nodes left
-#1955|Topology 't' dropped
-#1998.M2|LINESTRING(1 1,1 0,0 0,0 1,1 1)
-#1998.-|Topology 't1998' dropped
+psql: FATAL:  the database system is in recovery mode
 regress/st_modedgesplit .. failed (diff expected obtained: /projects/postgis/tmp/2.5.0dev_pg10_geos3.7.0dev_gdal2.2.2w32/test_21_diff)
--- regress/st_modedgesplit_expected	2017-09-25 22:27:11.893888000 -0400
+++ /projects/postgis/tmp/2.5.0dev_pg10_geos3.7.0dev_gdal2.2.2w32/test_21_out	2017-09-30 12:02:42.930983900 -0400
@@ -1,50 +1 @@
-ERROR:  geometry has too many points at character 53
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - point not on edge
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - invalid topology name
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - null argument
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - null argument
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - null argument
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - invalid topology name
-N|23||POINT(28 14)
-N|24||POINT(11 35)
-N|25||POINT(25 32)
-N|26||POINT(45 32)
-N|27||POINT(3 38)
-N|28||POINT(28 22)
-Topology 'city_data' dropped
-t3401.end|Topology 'bug3401' dropped
+psql: FATAL:  the database system is in recovery mode
 regress/st_newedgeheal .. failed (diff expected obtained: /projects/postgis/tmp/2.5.0dev_pg10_geos3.7.0dev_gdal2.2.2w32/test_22_diff)
--- regress/st_newedgeheal_expected	2017-09-25 22:27:11.893888000 -0400
+++ /projects/postgis/tmp/2.5.0dev_pg10_geos3.7.0dev_gdal2.2.2w32/test_22_out	2017-09-30 12:02:43.696670300 -0400
@@ -1,150 +1 @@
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - null argument
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - null argument
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - null argument
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - invalid topology name
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - non-connected edges
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - other edges connected (19,20)
-ERROR:  Edge 2 is closed, cannot heal to edge 3
-ERROR:  Edge 2 is closed, cannot heal to edge 3
-ERROR:  Cannot heal edge 25 with itself, try with another
-E1|POINT(8 30)|POINT(8 30)|1|-1|1|1
-E2|POINT(25 30)|POINT(25 30)|3|-2|2|2
-E3|POINT(25 30)|POINT(25 35)|-3|2|2|3
-E4|POINT(36 38)|POINT(57 33)|-5|4|5|6
-E5|POINT(41 40)|POINT(57 33)|-4|5|7|6
-E6|POINT(9 22)|POINT(21 22)|7|-21|16|17
-E7|POINT(21 22)|POINT(35 22)|8|-19|17|18
-E8|POINT(35 22)|POINT(47 22)|-15|-17|18|19
-E9|POINT(9 14)|POINT(21 14)|19|-22|15|14
-E10|POINT(35 14)|POINT(21 14)|-20|17|13|14
-E11|POINT(35 14)|POINT(47 14)|15|-18|13|12
-E12|POINT(9 6)|POINT(21 6)|20|22|8|9
-E13|POINT(21 6)|POINT(35 6)|18|-12|9|10
-E14|POINT(35 6)|POINT(47 6)|16|-13|10|11
-E15|POINT(47 14)|POINT(47 22)|-8|-16|12|19
-E16|POINT(47 6)|POINT(47 14)|-11|-14|11|12
-E17|POINT(35 14)|POINT(35 22)|-7|11|13|18
-E18|POINT(35 6)|POINT(35 14)|10|14|10|13
-E19|POINT(21 14)|POINT(21 22)|-6|-10|14|17
-E20|POINT(21 6)|POINT(21 14)|-9|13|9|14
-E21|POINT(9 14)|POINT(9 22)|6|9|15|16
-E22|POINT(9 6)|POINT(9 14)|21|12|8|15
-E25|POINT(9 35)|POINT(13 35)|-25|25|21|22
-E26|POINT(4 31)|POINT(4 31)|26|-26|20|20
-E1|POINT(8 30)|POINT(8 30)|1|-1|1|1
-E2|POINT(25 30)|POINT(25 30)|3|-2|2|2
-E3|POINT(25 30)|POINT(25 35)|-3|2|2|3
-E7|POINT(21 22)|POINT(35 22)|29|-19|17|18
-E9|POINT(9 14)|POINT(21 14)|19|30|15|14
-E10|POINT(35 14)|POINT(21 14)|-20|17|13|14
-E11|POINT(35 14)|POINT(47 14)|-29|-18|13|12
-E13|POINT(21 6)|POINT(35 6)|18|-30|9|10
-E17|POINT(35 14)|POINT(35 22)|-7|11|13|18
-E18|POINT(35 6)|POINT(35 14)|10|31|10|13
-E19|POINT(21 14)|POINT(21 22)|-28|-10|14|17
-E20|POINT(21 6)|POINT(21 14)|-9|13|9|14
-E25|POINT(9 35)|POINT(13 35)|-25|25|21|22
-E26|POINT(4 31)|POINT(4 31)|26|-26|20|20
-E27|POINT(36 38)|POINT(41 40)|-27|27|5|7
-E28|POINT(9 14)|POINT(21 22)|7|9|15|17
-E29|POINT(35 22)|POINT(47 14)|-31|-17|18|12
-E30|POINT(9 14)|POINT(21 6)|20|28|15|9
-E31|POINT(35 6)|POINT(47 14)|-11|-13|10|12
-Topology 'city_data' dropped
-ERROR:  TopoGeom 1 in layer 1 (t.f.g) cannot be represented healing edges 1 and 2
-ERROR:  TopoGeom 1 in layer 1 (t.f.g) cannot be represented healing edges 2 and 1
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - non-existent edge 200
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - non-existent edge 100
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - non-connected edges
-Topology 't' dropped
-#1955.1|2|start nodes
-#1955.1|1|nodes left
-#1955.2|4|start nodes
-#1955.2|3|nodes left
-#1955.3|5|start nodes
-#1955.3|4|nodes left
-#1955|Topology 't' dropped
-#1998.NE4|LINESTRING(1 1,1 0,0 0,0 1,1 1)
-#1998.-|Topology 't1998' dropped
+psql: FATAL:  the database system is in recovery mode
 regress/st_newedgessplit .. failed (diff expected obtained: /projects/postgis/tmp/2.5.0dev_pg10_geos3.7.0dev_gdal2.2.2w32/test_23_diff)
--- regress/st_newedgessplit_expected	2017-09-25 22:27:11.893888000 -0400
+++ /projects/postgis/tmp/2.5.0dev_pg10_geos3.7.0dev_gdal2.2.2w32/test_23_out	2017-09-30 12:02:44.477982300 -0400
@@ -1,44 +1 @@
-ERROR:  geometry has too many points at character 54
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - point not on edge
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - invalid topology name
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - null argument
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - null argument
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - null argument
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - invalid topology name
-N|23||POINT(28 14)
-N|24||POINT(11 35)
-N|25||POINT(25 32)
-N|26||POINT(45 32)
-N|27||POINT(3 38)
-N|28||POINT(28 22)
-Topology 'city_data' dropped
+psql: FATAL:  the database system is in recovery mode
 regress/st_remedgenewface .. failed (diff expected obtained: /projects/postgis/tmp/2.5.0dev_pg10_geos3.7.0dev_gdal2.2.2w32/test_24_diff)
--- regress/st_remedgenewface_expected	2017-09-25 22:27:11.909514300 -0400
+++ /projects/postgis/tmp/2.5.0dev_pg10_geos3.7.0dev_gdal2.2.2w32/test_24_out	2017-09-30 12:02:45.290546100 -0400
@@ -1,243 +1 @@
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - null argument
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - null argument
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - invalid topology name
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - non-existent edge 0
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - non-existent edge 143
-RN(26)/faces|-|1|SRID=4326;POLYGON((3 30,3 38,16 38,16 30,3 30))
-RN(26)/faces|-|9|SRID=4326;POLYGON((4 31,4 34,7 34,7 31,4 31))
-RN(26)/faces|+|10|SRID=4326;POLYGON((3 30,3 38,16 38,16 30,3 30))
-RN(9)/faces|-|3|SRID=4326;POLYGON((9 14,9 22,21 22,21 14,9 14))
-RN(9)/faces|-|6|SRID=4326;POLYGON((9 6,9 14,21 14,21 6,9 6))
-RN(9)/faces|+|11|SRID=4326;POLYGON((9 6,9 22,21 22,21 6,9 6))
-RN(19)/faces|-|4|SRID=4326;POLYGON((21 14,21 22,35 22,35 14,21 14))
-RN(19)/faces|-|11|SRID=4326;POLYGON((9 6,9 22,21 22,21 6,9 6))
-RN(19)/faces|+|12|SRID=4326;POLYGON((9 6,9 22,35 22,35 6,9 6))
-RN(10)/faces|-|7|SRID=4326;POLYGON((21 6,21 14,35 14,35 6,21 6))
-RN(10)/faces|-|12|SRID=4326;POLYGON((9 6,9 22,35 22,35 6,9 6))
-RN(10)/faces|+|13|SRID=4326;POLYGON((9 6,9 22,35 22,35 6,9 6))
-RN(15)/faces|-|5|SRID=4326;POLYGON((35 14,35 22,47 22,47 14,35 14))
-RN(2)/faces|-|2|SRID=4326;POLYGON((17 30,17 40,31 40,31 30,17 30))
-NE(27)/faces|+|14|SRID=4326;POLYGON((20 27,20 35,30 35,30 27,20 27))
-RN(27)/faces|-|14|SRID=4326;POLYGON((20 27,20 35,30 35,30 27,20 27))
-NE(28)/faces|+|15|SRID=4326;POLYGON((20 27,20 35,30 35,30 27,20 27))
-RN(28)/faces|-|15|SRID=4326;POLYGON((20 27,20 35,30 35,30 27,20 27))
-NE(29)/faces|+|16|SRID=4326;POLYGON((22 30,22 37,28 37,28 30,22 30))
-RN(29)/faces|-|16|SRID=4326;POLYGON((22 30,22 37,28 37,28 30,22 30))
-NE(30,31)/faces|+|17|SRID=4326;POLYGON((18 35,18 40,25 40,25 35,18 35))
-RN(31)/faces|-|17|SRID=4326;POLYGON((18 35,18 40,25 40,25 35,18 35))
-NE(32)/faces|+|18|SRID=4326;POLYGON((18 27,18 40,28 40,28 27,18 27))
-RN(32)/faces|-|18|SRID=4326;POLYGON((18 27,18 40,28 40,28 27,18 27))
-NE(33)/faces|+|19|SRID=4326;POLYGON((18 27,18 40,28 40,28 27,18 27))
-RN(33)/faces|-|19|SRID=4326;POLYGON((18 27,18 40,28 40,28 27,18 27))
-NE(34)/faces|+|20|SRID=4326;POLYGON((22 27,22 30,28 30,28 27,22 27))
-RN(34)/faces|-|20|SRID=4326;POLYGON((22 27,22 30,28 30,28 27,22 27))
-NE(35)/faces|+|21|SRID=4326;POLYGON((22 27,22 30,28 30,28 27,22 27))
-RN(35)/faces|-|21|SRID=4326;POLYGON((22 27,22 30,28 30,28 27,22 27))
-Topology 'city_data' dropped
-features.land_parcels.the_geom SRID:0 TYPE:MULTIPOLYGON DIMS:2 
-features.city_streets.the_geom SRID:0 TYPE:MULTILINESTRING DIMS:2 
-features.traffic_signs.the_geom SRID:0 TYPE:MULTIPOINT DIMS:2 
-ERROR:  TopoGeom 4 in layer 3 (features.city_streets.feature) cannot be represented dropping edge 3
-ERROR:  TopoGeom 2 in layer 3 (features.city_streets.feature) cannot be represented dropping edge 4
-ERROR:  TopoGeom 2 in layer 3 (features.city_streets.feature) cannot be represented dropping edge 5
-ERROR:  TopoGeom 2 in layer 1 (features.land_parcels.feature) cannot be represented healing faces 5 and 4
-ERROR:  TopoGeom 3 in layer 1 (features.land_parcels.feature) cannot be represented healing faces 10 and 0
-ERROR:  TopoGeom 3 in layer 1 (features.land_parcels.feature) cannot be represented healing faces 0 and 10
-Topology 'city_data' dropped
+psql: FATAL:  the database system is in recovery mode
 regress/st_remedgemodface .. failed (diff expected obtained: /projects/postgis/tmp/2.5.0dev_pg10_geos3.7.0dev_gdal2.2.2w32/test_25_diff)
--- regress/st_remedgemodface_expected	2017-09-25 22:27:11.893888000 -0400
+++ /projects/postgis/tmp/2.5.0dev_pg10_geos3.7.0dev_gdal2.2.2w32/test_25_out	2017-09-30 12:02:46.103110600 -0400
@@ -1,213 +1 @@
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - null argument
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - null argument
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - invalid topology name
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - non-existent edge 0
-ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - non-existent edge 143
-RM(26)/faces|-|9|SRID=4326;POLYGON((4 31,4 34,7 34,7 31,4 31))
-RM(9)/faces|-|3|SRID=4326;POLYGON((9 14,9 22,21 22,21 14,9 14))
-RM(9)/faces|+|6|SRID=4326;POLYGON((9 6,9 22,21 22,21 6,9 6))
-RM(9)/faces|-|6|SRID=4326;POLYGON((9 6,9 14,21 14,21 6,9 6))
-RM(19)/faces|+|4|SRID=4326;POLYGON((9 6,9 22,35 22,35 6,9 6))
-RM(19)/faces|-|4|SRID=4326;POLYGON((21 14,21 22,35 22,35 14,21 14))
-RM(19)/faces|-|6|SRID=4326;POLYGON((9 6,9 22,21 22,21 6,9 6))
-RM(10)/faces|-|7|SRID=4326;POLYGON((21 6,21 14,35 14,35 6,21 6))
-RM(15)/faces|-|5|SRID=4326;POLYGON((35 14,35 22,47 22,47 14,35 14))
-RM(2)/faces|-|2|SRID=4326;POLYGON((17 30,17 40,31 40,31 30,17 30))
-NE(27)/faces|+|10|SRID=4326;POLYGON((20 27,20 35,30 35,30 27,20 27))
-RM(27)/faces|-|10|SRID=4326;POLYGON((20 27,20 35,30 35,30 27,20 27))
-NE(28)/faces|+|11|SRID=4326;POLYGON((20 27,20 35,30 35,30 27,20 27))
-RM(28)/faces|-|11|SRID=4326;POLYGON((20 27,20 35,30 35,30 27,20 27))
-NE(29)/faces|+|12|SRID=4326;POLYGON((22 30,22 37,28 37,28 30,22 30))
-RM(29)/faces|-|12|SRID=4326;POLYGON((22 30,22 37,28 37,28 30,22 30))
-NE(30,31)/faces|+|13|SRID=4326;POLYGON((18 35,18 40,25 40,25 35,18 35))
-RM(31)/faces|-|13|SRID=4326;POLYGON((18 35,18 40,25 40,25 35,18 35))
-NE(32)/faces|+|14|SRID=4326;POLYGON((18 27,18 40,28 40,28 27,18 27))
-RM(32)/faces|-|14|SRID=4326;POLYGON((18 27,18 40,28 40,28 27,18 27))
-NE(33)/faces|+|15|SRID=4326;POLYGON((18 27,18 40,28 40,28 27,18 27))
-RM(33)/faces|-|15|SRID=4326;POLYGON((18 27,18 40,28 40,28 27,18 27))
-NE(34)/faces|+|16|SRID=4326;POLYGON((22 27,22 30,28 30,28 27,22 27))
-RM(34)/faces|-|16|SRID=4326;POLYGON((22 27,22 30,28 30,28 27,22 27))
-NE(35)/faces|+|17|SRID=4326;POLYGON((22 27,22 30,28 30,28 27,22 27))
-RM(35)/faces|-|17|SRID=4326;POLYGON((22 27,22 30,28 30,28 27,22 27))
-Topology 'city_data' dropped
-features.land_parcels.the_geom SRID:0 TYPE:MULTIPOLYGON DIMS:2 
-features.city_streets.the_geom SRID:0 TYPE:MULTILINESTRING DIMS:2 
-features.traffic_signs.the_geom SRID:0 TYPE:MULTIPOINT DIMS:2 
-ERROR:  TopoGeom 4 in layer 3 (features.city_streets.feature) cannot be represented dropping edge 3
-ERROR:  TopoGeom 2 in layer 3 (features.city_streets.feature) cannot be represented dropping edge 4
-ERROR:  TopoGeom 2 in layer 3 (features.city_streets.feature) cannot be represented dropping edge 5
-ERROR:  TopoGeom 2 in layer 1 (features.land_parcels.feature) cannot be represented healing faces 5 and 4
-ERROR:  TopoGeom 3 in layer 1 (features.land_parcels.feature) cannot be represented healing faces 8 and 0
-ERROR:  TopoGeom 3 in layer 1 (features.land_parcels.feature) cannot be represented healing faces 0 and 8
-Topology 'city_data' dropped
+psql: FATAL:  the database system is in recovery mode
 regress/st_simplify .. failed (diff expected obtained: /projects/postgis/tmp/2.5.0dev_pg10_geos3.7.0dev_gdal2.2.2w32/test_26_diff)
--- regress/st_simplify_expected	2017-09-25 22:27:11.909514300 -0400
+++ /projects/postgis/tmp/2.5.0dev_pg10_geos3.7.0dev_gdal2.2.2w32/test_26_out	2017-09-30 12:02:46.759412700 -0400
@@ -1,9 +1 @@
+psql: FATAL:  the database system is in recovery mode
 regress/topoelement .. failed (diff expected obtained: /projects/postgis/tmp/2.5.0dev_pg10_geos3.7.0dev_gdal2.2.2w32/test_27_diff)
--- regress/topoelement_expected	2017-09-25 22:27:11.909514300 -0400
+++ /projects/postgis/tmp/2.5.0dev_pg10_geos3.7.0dev_gdal2.2.2w32/test_27_out	2017-09-30 12:02:47.525099100 -0400
@@ -1,6 +1 @@
-ERROR:  value for domain topoelement violates check constraint "lower_dimension"
-ERROR:  value for domain topoelement violates check constraint "type_range"
+psql: FATAL:  the database system is in recovery mode
 regress/topoelementarray_agg .. failed (diff expected obtained: /projects/postgis/tmp/2.5.0dev_pg10_geos3.7.0dev_gdal2.2.2w32/test_28_diff)
--- regress/topoelementarray_agg_expected	2017-09-25 22:27:11.909514300 -0400
+++ /projects/postgis/tmp/2.5.0dev_pg10_geos3.7.0dev_gdal2.2.2w32/test_28_out	2017-09-30 12:02:48.306410400 -0400
@@ -1,3 +1 @@
+psql: FATAL:  the database system is in recovery mode
 regress/topogeo_addlinestring .. failed (diff expected obtained: /projects/postgis/tmp/2.5.0dev_pg10_geos3.7.0dev_gdal2.2.2w32/test_29_diff)
--- regress/topogeo_addlinestring_expected	2017-09-30 12:01:51.755048500 -0400
+++ /projects/postgis/tmp/2.5.0dev_pg10_geos3.7.0dev_gdal2.2.2w32/test_29_out	2017-09-30 12:02:49.103348700 -0400
@@ -1,208 +1 @@

and it goes on

Change History (4)

comment:1 by strk, 7 years ago

Given the many warnings about %lld being unknown, let's see if r15859 fixed this (but then we should figure out why we define LWTFMT_ELEMID to lld in liblwgeom/lwgeom_topo.c

comment:2 by robe, 7 years ago

Sadly this did not fix it. It's all of winnie's 32-bits failing. The 64-bits are fine.

Version 0, edited 7 years ago by robe (next)

comment:3 by strk, 7 years ago

Are there still warnings about "l" format not being recognized ? Can you include here a link to latest failing build

comment:4 by robe, 7 years ago

Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed

I haven't seen crashes in a while on winnie's 32-bit so I think this is a non-issue.

Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.