Opened 9 years ago

Last modified 9 years ago

#3338 closed defect

postgis extension that returns not supported for all Raster functions if raster not available — at Initial Version

Reported by: robe Owned by: pramsey
Priority: medium Milestone: PostGIS 2.3.0
Component: postgis Version: 2.0.x
Keywords: Cc: astrodog


Was talking on IRC with astrodog and it seems they are having a hard time getting raster in the FreeBSD packages because of all the dependencies GDAL brings in which a user may not have.

The easiest option which he proposed which I think we can swing is to still have a PostGIS extension that zeros out raster if not available. Just returns a not supported note similar to what we do with ST_GeoJSON and several GEOS functions if your GEOS is not new enough.

Here is bit of IRC dialog for context

23:39] <astrodog> We build gdal as another package, with pretty broad support for formats.
[23:39] <astrodog> That way things just work for people.
[23:39] <robe2> and disable everything except some key ones like sqlite, odbc, curl
[23:40] <robe2> I even disable postgres
[23:40] <astrodog> But PostGIS brings in GDAL, which brings in a pile of other things.
[23:40] <astrodog> None of it is bad if you build from source... it's the binary packages that cause problems.
[23:41] <robe2> one more reason not to have a shared liblwgeom :)
[23:41] <robe2> astrodog: so you can't build an isolated gdal sits in postgres bin?
[23:42] <robe2> on windows always searches in postgres bin first
[23:42] <robe2> so I can override system dlls by replacing with my own version
[23:42] <robe2> not sure how it works on unix/linux
[23:43] <astrodog> robe: If you guys bundle it, I can. If you don't, I'm expected to use whatever the gdal port does, that way users can set whatever gdal options they want.
[23:43] <robe2> so if we included gdal source as part of our dist package?
[23:45] <robe2> pl/v8 (not sure if they still do have to check) included v8 source zip as part of theres
[23:45] <astrodog> Sure. Then it's just some thing you guys included... and any issues it creates would be sent up to PostGIS trac. *grin*
[23:45] <robe2> cause the v8 upstream was kinda flaky (I mean you hit a bad version and you are screwed)
[23:48] <robe2> astrodog: so if you have gdal already is the issue because depending on user installing, they might have a different gdal with not all the dependencies available
[23:49] <robe2> I got the impression from listening to devrimgunduz that was his pain
[23:49] <robe2> and why EL 5, CentOS 5 he was very apologetic for
[23:49] <astrodog> Yeah.
[23:49] <astrodog> For us... we install GDAL with a huge pile of things, so that the various bits that depend on it can all use one version.
[23:50] <astrodog> But it means requiring GDAL is a fairly large requirement.
[23:50] <robe2> I wonder how hard it would be to get GDAL to do run-time load like they do with proj already
[23:50] <robe2> that seems like the fundamental issue
[23:51] <robe2> astrodog: do you built spatialite and rasterlite
[23:51] <robe2> as I recall rasterlite relies on gdal I think
[23:51] <robe2> so would have similar issue
[23:52] <astrodog> Yeah, it does.
[23:52] <robe2> so you have same issue with it?
[23:53] <astrodog> Yeah, but with rasterlite, people know they're in for it.
[23:53] <robe2> one thing I always wanted was for people to be able to swap out the gdal I have with a beefier one
[23:53] <astrodog> The issue we run into with PostGIS is that the SQL method isn't as well documented... so we get PRs saying "Loading the extension doesn't work!"
[23:54] <robe2> well we could document that better I guess
[23:54] <robe2> I didn't like it cause it required too much explaining
[23:54] <astrodog> It's not so much you guys, as every tutorial on the planet skips over that option. :P
[23:54] <robe2> like find where your files are stored -- and I lost 90% of the audience at that point
[23:54] <astrodog> Be nice if the extension had a way to tell if it had raster support or not, and act accordingly.
[23:55] <robe2> and had to digress into if you are on this - its' here , if you are on that it's here etc
[23:55] <astrodog> *nod*
[23:56] <robe2> yah but then it wouldn't be the same extension
[23:56] <robe2> we could create a postgis_no_raster extension
[23:56] <astrodog> Could the extension stub out the raster bits if they aren't there?
[23:57] <astrodog> So the function exists, it just always returns not supported.
[23:57] <astrodog> :P
[23:57] <robe2> but the problem is the extension model doesn't have a way to say something like requires: postgis or postgis_no_raster;
[23:57] <robe2> So you'd have issues with like you can't install postgis_sfcgal, pgrouting etc.
[23:57] <robe2> astrodog: ah didn't think about that
[23:57] <robe2> yah it could
[23:57] <robe2> that's a great idea
[23:58] <robe2> we do that already for some functons like json and geos if you are running a lower geos
[23:58] <robe2> I'll ticket it

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