Opened 12 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

#2222 closed enhancement

[raster] Add ability to change behavior of WKB output for out-db bands — at Version 5

Reported by: dustymugs Owned by: dustymugs
Priority: medium Milestone: PostGIS 2.1.0
Component: raster Version: master
Keywords: history Cc: mateusz@…

Description (last modified by dustymugs)

Version 1 is intended to correct the handling of out-db raster bands. In Version 0, the output of ST_AsBinary() for a band with out-db values returns the path to the out of database raster file, which is generally useless for a client unless the client has access to the database server's file system.

By using Version 1, we don't break compatibility for those already using Version 0 WKB.

Related ticket regarding ST_AsBinary() is #2217.

Change History (6)

by dustymugs, 12 years ago

Proposed spec for raster WKB v1

comment:1 by mloskot, 12 years ago

Cc: mateusz@… added

comment:2 by dustymugs, 12 years ago

Status: newassigned

After some additional thinking and discussion, the current thought is NOT to create a new version and cause lots of waves (and probably a whole slew of bugs) but to continue using the current WKB format as is. Instead, we will allow end users to specify that they want out-db bands to be treated as in-db. By default, the current behavior where out-db bands return the path to the external file will continue. But if the user says to tread out-db as in-db, the behavior will change so that the appropriate data contained in the external file will be returned.

comment:3 by mloskot, 12 years ago

allow end users to specify that they want out-db bands to be treated as in-db

How that will be realise? What steps at user-end will be required?

in reply to:  3 comment:4 by dustymugs, 12 years ago

Replying to mloskot:

allow end users to specify that they want out-db bands to be treated as in-db

How that will be realise? What steps at user-end will be required?

ST_AsBinary(rast raster, OutAsIn boolean DEFAULT FALSE)

For remote clients, OutAsIn should be TRUE so that out-db bands are treated as in-db.

comment:5 by dustymugs, 12 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
Summary: [raster] WKB format version 1[raster] Add ability to change behavior of WKB output for out-db bands
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