Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0xee3fcf1c in ST_ClusterKMeans (fcinfo=0xffca400c) at lwgeom_window.c:211 211 max_radius = DatumGetFloat8(WinGetFuncArgCurrent(winobj, 2, &isnull)); (gdb) bt full #0 0xee3fcf1c in ST_ClusterKMeans (fcinfo=0xffca400c) at lwgeom_window.c:211 i = k = 35830033 geoms = N = 3 isnull = true isout = false max_radius = 0 r = winobj = 0x222cdb0 context = 0x21a8ed0 curpos = rowcount = #1 0x00261ff4 in eval_windowfunction (perfuncstate=0x222cbc8, result=0x222cb98, isnull=0x222cbb0, winstate=, winstate=) at nodeWindowAgg.c:1055 fcinfodata = {fcinfo = {flinfo = 0x222cbd4, context = 0x222cdb0, resultinfo = 0x0, fncollation = 0, isnull = false, nargs = 3, args = 0xffca4020}, fcinfo_data = "\324\313\"\002\260\315\"\002\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000K\003\000\200\002\000\000\001\206p\000\000\000\000\000\001\000\000\000\351\375\000\000\001\232\030\002@V!\002X\263M\000\350\v$\002\260\236c\367\324\367p\367\240@\312\377\300K\"\002\305K\"\002\000\000\000\000\300k\"\000\300K\"\002\310K\"\002\305K\"\002\070w\"\000\330\350\"\002\324\367p\367\b\370p\367\377\017\000\000\b\370p\367\324\367p\367X\362p\367\000\000\000\000\b\200\000\000\224mc\367\000\200\000\000\000\000\000\000\020\000\000\000\310K\"\002\305K\"\002\230\203 \002\fDM\000\000\353\033\002\020\000\000\000\274\206p\000\001\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\354\033\002\003\000\000\000\001\000\000\000"...} fcinfo = 0xffca4004 oldContext = 0x2188da8 #2 0x00264ce0 in ExecWindowAgg (pstate=0x21893a8) at nodeWindowAgg.c:2197 perfuncstate = winstate = 0x21893a8 econtext = 0x222cbb0 i = 0 numfuncs = 1 __func__ = "ExecWindowAgg" #3 0x00253224 in ExecProcNode (node=0x21893a8) at ../../../src/include/executor/executor.h:242 No locals. #4 ExecLimit (pstate=0x2189230) at nodeLimit.c:95 node = 0x2189230 direction = ForwardScanDirection slot = outerPlan = 0x21893a8 __func__ = "ExecLimit" #5 0x00243c90 in ExecProcNode (node=0x2189230) at ../../../src/include/executor/executor.h:242 No locals. #6 fetch_input_tuple (aggstate=aggstate@entry=0x2188fb0) at nodeAgg.c:406 slot = #7 0x002455c0 in agg_retrieve_direct (aggstate=0x2188fb0) at nodeAgg.c:1748 econtext = firstSlot = numGroupingSets = 1 node = 0x220bee0 tmpcontext = 0x21890d8 peragg = 0x20f60d8 outerslot = nextSetSize = pergroups = 0x220c358 result = hasGroupingSets = true currentSet = numReset = 1 i = node = econtext = tmpcontext = peragg = pergroups = outerslot = firstSlot = result = hasGroupingSets = numGroupingSets = currentSet = nextSetSize = numReset = i = #8 ExecAgg (pstate=0x2188fb0) at nodeAgg.c:1563 --Type for more, q to quit, c to continue without paging-- node = 0x2188fb0 result = 0x0 #9 0x002319d8 in ExecProcNode (node=0x2188fb0) at ../../../src/include/executor/executor.h:242 No locals. #10 ExecutePlan (execute_once=, dest=0x22157b0, direction=, numberTuples=0, sendTuples=, operation=CMD_SELECT, use_parallel_mode=, planstate=0x2188fb0, estate=0x2188e40) at execMain.c:1632 slot = current_tuple_count = 0 slot = current_tuple_count = #11 standard_ExecutorRun (queryDesc=0x20f6088, direction=, count=0, execute_once=true) at execMain.c:350 estate = 0x2188e40 operation = CMD_SELECT dest = 0x22157b0 sendTuples = oldcontext = 0x1 __func__ = "standard_ExecutorRun" #12 0x0039a340 in PortalRunSelect (portal=0x21228d0, portal@entry=0x0, forward=forward@entry=true, count=count@entry=0, dest=dest@entry=0x22157b0) at pquery.c:929 queryDesc = 0x20f6088 direction = nprocessed = __func__ = "PortalRunSelect" #13 0x0039b93c in PortalRun (portal=0x0, portal@entry=0x21228d0, count=0, count@entry=2147483647, isTopLevel=isTopLevel@entry=true, run_once=run_once@entry=true, dest=0x22157b0, altdest=0x22157b0, completionTag=0xffca46b8 "") at pquery.c:770 save_exception_stack = 0x0 save_context_stack = 0x0 local_sigjmp_buf = {{__jmpbuf = {984217072, -983955752, 34593776, 7374572, 7362108, 7374544, 7374576, -3520840, 2, 7374548, 0 , 35414760, 35700056, 0, 35414760, 35129688, 7374528, 35700448, 35414760, 35700056, 2998712, 0, 2992460, 35414760, 0, -3521136, 35700448, 35414760, 35700920, 65001, 0, 0, 35700448, 0, 35414760, 35129688, 7374528, 35700448, 35414760, 7354432, 2994544, 0, 35414760, 5063692, 80, 0, 34421216, 35129688, 7374528}, __mask_was_saved = 0, __saved_mask = {__val = {35414760, 7354432, 4964476, 0, 6999912, 1, 6999912, 34752808, 0, 0, 0, 6999912, 34752728, 6999912, 1, 5063692, 34562032, 4, 1, 5063692, 60, 34421216, 0, 34744528, 7374524, 35739536, 2, 7374548, 5092536, 1, 3782088, 2}}}} result = nprocessed = saveTopTransactionResourceOwner = 0x20fdbf0 saveTopTransactionContext = 0x21745b8 saveActivePortal = 0x20fdbf0 saveResourceOwner = 0x20fdbf0 savePortalContext = 0x21745b8 saveMemoryContext = 0x21228d0 __func__ = "PortalRun" #14 0x0039744c in exec_simple_query (query_string=0xffca46b8 "") at postgres.c:1215 parsetree = 0x2180870 portal = 0x21228d0 snapshot_set = commandTag = completionTag = "\000\027p\000\b|\017\002\030\321q\000t\017'\000\254Up\000\070\214o\000\b|\017\002\024\227'\000\b|\017\002T\232'\000\f\215o\000x:\r\002\210\301\017\002\001\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\254Up" querytree_list = plantree_list = receiver = 0x22157b0 format = 0 dest = DestRemote oldcontext = 0x21808a8 parsetree_list = 0x27109c parsetree_item = 0x2180890 save_log_statement_stats = 184 was_logged = true use_implicit_block = true msec_str = "\000\027p\000\b|\017\002\030\321q\000t\017'\000\254Up\000\070\214o\000\b|\017\002\024\227'" __func__ = "exec_simple_query" #15 0x00399034 in PostgresMain (argc=, argv=argv@entry=0x0, dbname=, username=) at postgres.c:4261 query_string = 0x20d3a78 "select '#4100a', count(distinct result) from (SELECT ST_ClusterKMeans(foo1.the_geom, 3) OVER() As result\n FROM ((SELECT ST_Collect(geom) As the_geom\n\t\tFROM (VALUES ( ST_GeomFromEWKT('SRID=4326;MULT"... firstchar = 81 input_message = {data = 0x20d3a78 "select '#4100a', count(distinct result) from (SELECT ST_ClusterKMeans(foo1.the_geom, 3) OVER() As result\n FROM ((SELECT ST_Collect(geom) As the_geom\n\t\tFROM (VALUES ( ST_GeomFromEWKT('SRID=4326;MULT"..., len = 561, maxlen = 1024, cursor = 561} local_sigjmp_buf = {{__jmpbuf = {984217184, -983905464, 7374524, 7374528, 34587016, 1, 34409984, 4474, 6633884, 34569224, 0 , 34569224, 7459096, 0, 3758396, 0, 34569224, 7459096, 2559860, 100663296, -142509900, 5063692, 34401800, 16, 7374524, 5063692, 34401800, 8, 7374524, 34426376, 196608, 34586808, 34426452, 6414624, 5092184, 6414624, 5090580, 0, 34586808, 34569224, 34586968, 34586808, 2635052, 76, 34569224, 34409984, 3223416, 7467272, 0}, __mask_was_saved = 1, __saved_mask = { __val = {0, 0, 0, 7372775, 6636828, 34409984, 2781, 5063692, 34421216, 1024, 7374524, 7374524, 34587016, 0, 7310212, 34569224, 5092184, 0, 7459584, 7373868, 4291447336, 4291448732, 34587016, 6633884, 4291448732, 34587016, 4978016, 34426904, 0, 1, 6634068, 7374524}}}} send_ready_for_query = false disable_idle_in_transaction_timeout = 152 __func__ = "PostgresMain" #16 0x003160f0 in BackendRun (port=0x20f7c08, port=0x20f7c08) at postmaster.c:4484 av = 0x0 --Type for more, q to quit, c to continue without paging--c maxac = ac = 1 i = 81 av = maxac = ac = i = __func__ = "BackendRun" __errno_location = __errno_location = __errno_location = #17 BackendStartup (port=0x20f7c08) at postmaster.c:4167 bn = pid = bn = pid = __func__ = "BackendStartup" __errno_location = __errno_location = save_errno = __errno_location = __errno_location = #18 ServerLoop () at postmaster.c:1725 port = 0x20f7c08 i = rmask = {fds_bits = {8, 0 }} selres = now = readmask = {fds_bits = {56, 0 }} nSockets = 1630447754 last_lockfile_recheck_time = 0 last_touch_time = -3518564 __func__ = "ServerLoop" #19 0x003170b4 in PostmasterMain (argc=argc@entry=1, argv=argv@entry=0x4) at postmaster.c:1398 opt = status = userDoption = listen_addr_saved = 64 i = output_config_variable = __func__ = "PostmasterMain" #20 0x00077918 in main (argc=1, argv=0x4) at main.c:228 No locals.