
Version 1 (modified by mlucas, 18 years ago) ( diff )



vector to raster conversion

vec2ras [options] <vector file>


 -k  <kwl>   Takes a keywordlist that describes the
             drawing techniques of the vector file and
             the output projection.  Please see the -t
             option to generate template kwl to edit
 -t <template_file> Generates a keywordlist for this app to take in                    with the -k option
 -o  <raster file>   Raster output filename
                     currently only geotiff output
 -d <file_name>      dump vertices to file

 <vector file> Currently we only support shape files
               .shp .dbf .shx

Typical usage example:
Assuming you have file my_shape_file.shp to convert.

run the command:

  vec2ras -t my_shape_file.kwl

The above command will output a my_shape_file.kwl which is a template.
Edit my_shape_file.kwl for desired output.


The meters_per_pixel keywords determine the file size.
If your shape file covers a large geographic area and you use 
a meters_per_pixel of 1 you're going to get a huge output file.
After editing the my_shape.kwl.

run the command:

  vec2ras -k my_shape_file.kwl -o my_shape_file.tif my_shape_file.shp

You now should have a rasterized shape file called my_shape_file.tif.
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