| 1 | = shpcutter = |
| 2 | ESRI Shapefile cutter |
| 3 | {{{ |
| 4 | USAGE: shputils <DescribeShape> |
| 5 | USAGE: shputils <InputShape> <AppendShape> |
| 6 | { <SELECT> <Item> <valuelist> } |
| 7 | { <UNSELECT> <Item> <valuelist> } |
| 8 | { <CLIP> <xmin> <ymin> <xmax> <ymax> <TOUCH|INSIDE|CUT> } |
| 10 | Clip functions for Cut and Polygon are not supported yet... |
| 11 | { <ERASE> <xmin> <ymin> <xmax> <ymax> <TOUCH|INSIDE|CUT> } |
| 13 | { <UNIT> <FEET|METERS|factor> } |
| 14 | { <SHIFT> <xshift> <yshift> } |
| 15 | |
| 16 | The program will append to an existing shape file or it will |
| 17 | create a new file if needed. |
| 18 | Only the items in the first output file will be preserved. |
| 19 | When an item does not match with the append theme then the item |
| 20 | might be placed to an existing item at the same position and type. |
| 22 | - Select a group of shapes from a comma separated selection list. |
| 23 | - UnSelect a group of shapes from a comma separated selection list. |
| 24 | - Clip boundary extent or by theme boundary. |
| 25 | Touch writes all the shapes that touch the boundary. |
| 26 | Inside writes all the shapes that are completely within the boundary. |
| 27 | *(N/A) Cut will cookie-cut shapes that are touching the boundary. |
| 28 | Boundary clips are only the min and max of a theme boundary. |
| 29 | *(N/A) Polygon clips use the polygons within a theme. |
| 30 | - Erase boundary extent or by theme boundary. |
| 31 | Erase is the direct opposite of the Clip function. |
| 32 | - Change coordinate value units between meters and feet. |
| 33 | There is no way to determine the input unit of a shape file. |
| 34 | Skip this function if the shape file is already in the correct unit. |
| 35 | Clip and Erase will be done before the unit is changed. |
| 36 | A shift will be done after the unit is changed. |
| 37 | - Shift X and Y coordinates. |
| 38 | |
| 39 | Finally, There can only be one select or unselect in the command line. |
| 40 | There can only be one clip or erase in the command line. |
| 41 | There can only be one unit and only one shift in the command line. |
| 42 | EX: shputils in.shp out.shp CLIP 10 10 90 90 Touch UNIT Feet SHIFT 40 40 |
| 43 | shputils in.shp out.shp SELECT countycode 3,5,9,13,17,27 |
| 44 | }}} |