Changes between Version 12 and Version 13 of ossimgovernance

03/30/09 17:18:33 (16 years ago)



  • ossimgovernance

    v12 v13  
    2222The key developers have worked together for a number of years and have always worked by consensus.  Typically, the contributors are funded by government contracts that apply OSSIM and its derivative applications to various solutions.  Often their are requirements associated with these contracts to add additional capabilities.  These functional improvements typically are segregated into the appropriate OSSIM library or are segregated into a plugin module.  Generic improvements are typically applied in the core in such a way as not to induce platform specific dependencies.  System specific interfaces, interfaces to proprietary functionality are relegated to runtime plugin libraries.
    24 On average, face to face PSC meetings will be held in Melbourne once every two months.  Advance notification of these meetings will be posted on the mailing list.  Any OSSIM project member is welcome to join us for the meeting by simply notifying us by email so that lunch reservations can be made.
     24On average, face to face PSC meetings will be held in Melbourne once every two months.  Advance notification of these meetings will be posted on the mailing list.  Any OSSIM project member is welcome to join us for the meeting by simply notifying us by email so that lunch reservations can be made.  For planning purposes we will target 11:30am EST on the second Friday of the even months (Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec).  The default location is Mustard's Last Stand in downtown Melbourne Florida.
    2626== Process for the meetings: ==