Changes between Version 11 and Version 12 of ossimgovernance

03/30/09 17:14:26 (16 years ago)



  • ossimgovernance

    v11 v12  
    2020The only downside is that they don't automatically generate logs of discussions like email lists and IRC channels.  The current core contributors and PSC members all live around Melbourne Florida and meet face to face on a regular basis.  The following procedures are implemented to enhance the communication and provide more transparency to the decision making process.
     22The key developers have worked together for a number of years and have always worked by consensus.  Typically, the contributors are funded by government contracts that apply OSSIM and its derivative applications to various solutions.  Often their are requirements associated with these contracts to add additional capabilities.  These functional improvements typically are segregated into the appropriate OSSIM library or are segregated into a plugin module.  Generic improvements are typically applied in the core in such a way as not to induce platform specific dependencies.  System specific interfaces, interfaces to proprietary functionality are relegated to runtime plugin libraries.
    2224On average, face to face PSC meetings will be held in Melbourne once every two months.  Advance notification of these meetings will be posted on the mailing list.  Any OSSIM project member is welcome to join us for the meeting by simply notifying us by email so that lunch reservations can be made.
    3133 * If there is any disagreement on approach from any of the participants a vote will be taken
    3234 * Each PSC member will get one vote
    33  * The OSSIM System Architect (currently Garrett Potts) will have veto authority
     35 * The OSSIM Project Lead (currently Garrett Potts) will have veto authority
    3436 * Veto can be over-ruled by 2/3 majority
    35  * Document decisions in wiki/email list/ ...
     37 * Document the meeting discussions and decisions through email and/or the wiki
    37 A summary of the meeting and the decisions made will be posted on the mailing list or on the wiki after the meeting concludes.
     39A summary of the meeting and the decisions made will be posted on the mailing list or on the wiki after the meeting concludes. 
     41Finally, the success of the OSSIM project has been the result of maintaining it as an open and independent community.  The team members welcome communication, transparency, and participation from all interested parties.