Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of ossim-batch-test

Dec 16, 2011, 6:53:22 AM (13 years ago)



  • ossim-batch-test

    v2 v3  
    22== ossim-batch-test ==
    4 ossim-batch test is a command line test application that can execute programs, test the results against expected results, and log the output with differences between expected results and run times.  So you can easily test for changes in output and changes in output times.
     4ossim-batch-test is a command line test application that can execute programs, test the results against expected results, and log the output with differences between expected results and run times.  ossim-batch-test requires a test configuration file and generates a log file on output.  All times are logged for each command.  So you can easily test for changes in output and changes in output times.  This application is written in c++ so it's portable on windows, linux, MACs.  Typically to switch from on to another the file paths and diff commands have to be query / replaced in config file.
    66'''Example of ossim-orthoigen test on a NITF image with RPC model:'''
    8 For this test three things.[[BR]]
     8For this test three things:[[BR]]
    991) The height about the center of the test image.  Because this image has a RPC sensor model which is affected by elevation, the first test is the height at the center of the image.  If this changes the output bounds will also change.[[BR]]
    10102) The initial output of ossim-info -d -i -p of the source test image.  This alone will test many changes in the code.[[BR]]
    11113) The orthoigen output.  Test reprojecting image to an output file.  Testing the histogram checks for pixel changes.  Testing the ossim-info -d -i -p <output-image> tests for geometry changes.
     13From here on out commands start with $ and comments start with //.
     15// This example was generated on linux