
Version 1 (modified by mlucas, 17 years ago) ( diff )



Orthorectifies an image and is built on top of igen. It is better suited for scripting as many settings can be passed in as parameters and it supports but doesn’t require a keyword list. For orthoigen you must at a minimum specify an input and an output. This would actually be equivalent to an image copy. Currently the ouptut writer type is specified by the extension of the filename. In most cases you will also be specifying a view.


orthoigen <input> <output>

Assume we have input foo.tif  and we wish to convert it to foo.jpg:

orthoigen foo.tif foo.jpg


orthoigen --utm <input files> <output>
orthoigen --geo <input files> <output>
orthoigen --geo-scaled <latitude> <input files> <output>
orthoigen --input-proj <input files> <output>

orthoigen --view-template view_template/utm_8.kwl <input files> <output>


For now we have to enable a view when tiling

orthoigen --utm --tiling-template <template> <input files> <output>


BLEND thumbnail 

orthoigen /data/sanfran_ccf/foo.ccf /data/sanfran_map/sanfran_map.tif output/blend.jpg --combiner-type ossimBlendMosaic -t 512 --utm

1024x1024 tiling
orthoigen --chain-template chain_templates/landsat_projected_321.kwl  --tiling-template tiling_templates/1024x1024.kwl --thumbnail 2048 --utm /data/p44r34/l71044034_03420000725_hrf.fst output/

SRTM 90 meter tiling
orthoigen --geo --tiling-template tiling_templates/orthoigen_srtm_3arc.kwl /data/ele1/DTED3arc/w100/n40.dt1 output/

orthoigen --view-template view_template/utm_8.kwl /data/sanfran_ccf/foo.ccf output/utm8.jpg --thumbnail 1024

  --chain-template     Specify an external file that contains chain informatio
  --combiner-template  Specify an external file that contains combiner
  --combiner-type      Specify what mosaic to use, ossimImageMosiac or
                       ossimFeatherMosaic or osimBlendMosaic ... etc
  --disable-elev       Will disable the elevation
  --disable-notify     Takes an argument. Arguments are ALL, WARN, NOTICE, INF
                       FATAL, DEBUG.  If you want multiple disables then just 
                       multiple --disable-notify on the command line.  All
                       argument are case insensitive.  Default is all are
  --geo                Defaults to a geographic image chain with GSD = to the
                       input.  Origin of latitude is on the equator.
  --geo-scaled         Takes a latitude as an argument for purpose of scaling.
                       Specifies that no spec file was defined.  Defaults to a
                       scaled geographic image chain with GSD = to the input.
  --input-proj         Makes the view equal to the input.  If more than one fi
                       then the first is taken
  --meters             Specifies an override for the meters per pixel
  --ossim-logfile      takes a logfile as an argument.  All output messages ar
                       redirected to the specified log file.  By default there
                       is no log file and all messages are enabled.
  --resample-type      Specify what resampler to use, nearest neighbor,
                       bilinear, bicubic
  --slave-buffers      number of slave tile buffers for mpi processing (defaul
                       = 2)
  --tiling-template    Specify an external file that contains tiling informati
  --utm                Defaults to a utm image chain with GSD = to the input
  --view-template      Specify an external file that contains view information
  --writer-template    Specify an external file that contains tiling informati
  -K                   specify individual keywords to add to the preferences
                       keyword list: name=value
  -P                   specify a preference file to load
  -T                   specify the classes to trace, ex: ossimInit|ossimImage.
                       will trace ossimInit and all ossimImage classes
  -h or --help         Display this information
  -t or --thumbnail    thumbnail resolution

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