Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of image_info

May 14, 2007, 11:50:04 AM (17 years ago)



  • image_info

    v1 v1  
     1= image_info =
     4Usage: image_infoimage_info [-i] [-p] <full path to file> [-v] [-o <geom file>]
     6  --disable-elev    Will disable the elevation
     7  --disable-notify  Takes an argument. Arguments are ALL, WARN, NOTICE, INFO,
     8                    FATAL, DEBUG.  If you want multiple disables then just do
     9                    multiple --disable-notify on the command line.  All argument
     10                    are case insensitive.  Default is all are enabled.
     11  --ogeom-format    Formats the data to an ossim gemetry file, seperate files
     12                    for multi image file formats
     13  --ossim-logfile   takes a logfile as an argument.  All output messages are
     14                    redirected to the specified log file.  By default there is
     15                    no log file and all messages are enabled.
     16  -K                specify individual keywords to add to the preferences
     17                    keyword list: name=value
     18  -P                specify a preference file to load
     19  -T                specify the classes to trace, ex: ossimInit|ossimImage.*
     20                    will trace ossimInit and all ossimImage classes
     21  -h                Display this information
     22  -i                Will print out the general image information.
     23  -o                Will output the information to the file specified.  Default
     24                    is to standard out.
     25  -p                Will print out the projection information.
     26  -s                Force the ground rect to be the specified datum
     27  -v                Overwrite existing geometry.
     29 examples:
     31    image_info -i ./myfile.tif
     32      prints out only general image information
     34    image_info -p ./myfile.tif
     35      prints out only image projection information
     37    image_info -p -s wge ./myfile.tif
     38      prints out only image projection information and shifts to wgs84
     40    image_info -p -i ./myfile.tif
     41      prints out both image and projection information
     43    image_info -p -i ./myfile.tif -o ./myfile.geom
     44      writes geometry file with both image and projection information
     46    image_info -p -i ./myfile.tif -v -o ./myfile.geom
     47      writes geometry file with both image and projection information
     48      while overwriting exisitng .geom file.