Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of icp

Oct 14, 2010, 4:30:09 PM (14 years ago)



  • icp

    v2 v3  
    11= icp =
    3 Image copy. Converts images from one format to another. Can also be used to chip or crop existing images If you wish to resample or reproject your data, use [wiki:orthoigen] instead.
     3The ossim-icp application is an image conversion tool used to copy any supported input image to any supported output image format.  It can also crop by start/stop line/sample, band select and convert scalar type. If you wish to resample or reproject your data, use [wiki:orthoigen] instead.
    55The iView GUI application operates as a viewer and a way to set up parameters for icp.  icp can be called from the command line or from an application - e.g. iView.
    1212== Options ==
    1415  --disable-elev               Will disable the elevation
    1516  --disable-notify             Takes an argument. Arguments are ALL, WARN,
    1819                               on the command line.  All argument are case
    1920                               insensitive.  Default is all are enabled.
     21  --disable-plugin             Will disable the plugin loader
    2022  --ossim-logfile              takes a logfile as an argument.  All output
    2123                               messages are redirected to the specified log
    2224                               file.  By default there is no log file and all
    2325                               messages are enabled.
     26  --pixel-type                 Valid values: area or point, this will determine
     27                               if the tie point is upper left corner of the
     28                               upper left pixel (area) or the center of the
     29                               upper left corner (point), default=point.  NOTE:
     30                               This option will only affect the tiff writer.
     31  --writer-prop                adds a property to send to the writer. format is
     32                               name=value
    2433  -K                           specify individual keywords to add to the
    2534                               preferences keyword list: name=value
    5665                               support tiled output
    59 NOTES:
     70== Valid output writer types ==
    61  Valid output writer types:
    62  tiff_strip
    63  tiff_strip_band_separate
    64  tiff_tiled
    65  tiff_tiled_band_separate
    66  jpeg
    67  general_raster_bip
    68  general_raster_bil
    69  general_raster_bsq
    70  general_raster_bip_envi
    71  general_raster_bil_envi
    72  general_raster_bsq_envi
    73  nitf_block_band_separate
    74  nitf_block_band_sequential
     132== Examples ==
     134This will convert input.ntf to a tiled tiff output.tif:[[BR]]
     135''ossim-icp tiff_tiled_band_separate input.ntf output.tif''[[BR]]
     137Conversion to J2K currently requires either the gdal plugin with j2k support or the kakadu plugin.
     139Using kakadu plugin:
     141Note the default kakadu writer is numerically lossless. The number of reduced res sets are control by setting the preferences keyword "overview_stop_dimension".  If that is not found it will use "tile_size".  If that is not found it will default to five.
     143This will convert point.tif to a JP2 file (using default numerically_lossless).[[BR]]
     144''ossim-icp ossim_kakadu_jp2 point.tif t1.jp2''[[BR]]
     147This will convert point.tif to a numerically lossless jp2 file.[[BR]]
     148''ossim-icp --writer-prop compression_quality=numerically_lossless ossim_kakadu_jp2 point.tif t1.jp2''[[BR]]
     151This will convert point.tif to a visually lossless jp2 file.[[BR]]
     152''ossim-icp --writer-prop compression_quality=visually_lossless ossim_kakadu_jp2 point.tif t2.jp2''[[BR]]
     154This will convert point.tif to a lossyjp2 file.[[BR]]
     155''ossim-icp --writer-prop compression_quality=lossy ossim_kakadu_jp2 point.tif t3.jp2''[[BR]]
     157Actual sizes from the last three examples:
     160$ ls -l point.tif t1.jp2 t2.jp2 t3.jp2
     161 3152350 point.tif
     162 1938374 t1.jp2
     163  437769 t2.jp2
     164  125399 t3.jp2