Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of create_cg

05/14/07 11:28:55 (18 years ago)



  • create_cg

    v1 v1  
     1= create_cg =
     2create coarse grid
     4Usage: create_cg [options] <input       file>
     6  --disable-elev    Will disable the elevation
     7  --disable-notify  Takes an argument. Arguments are ALL, WARN, NOTICE, INFO,
     8                    FATAL, DEBUG.  If you want multiple disables then just do
     9                    multiple --disable-notify on the command line.  All argument
     10                    are case insensitive.  Default is all are enabled.
     11  --ossim-logfile   takes a logfile as an argument.  All output messages are
     12                    redirected to the specified log file.  By default there is
     13                    no log file and all messages are enabled.
     14  -K                specify individual keywords to add to the preferences
     15                    keyword list: name=value
     16  -P                specify a preference file to load
     17  -T                specify the classes to trace, ex: ossimInit|ossimImage.*
     18                    will trace ossimInit and all ossimImage classes
     19  -e                <error>  default is .1.  This is basically the pixel
     20                    accuracy of the grid
     21  -h or --help      Shows help
     22  -o                <base output name> Specify a new base output name default
     23                    it's base name is <image file>.dat and <image file>.geom.
     24                    If specified then the output is <base output name>.dat and
     25                    <base output name>.geom where the .dat is the coarse grid
     26                    and the .geom is the model
     27  -s                <min_line_sample_spacing> give the min line sample spacing
     28                    for the coarse grid.  Helps in converging. Basically will
     29                    stop splitting if number of pixels per grid cell gets
     30                    below this number.