| 1 | = create_cg = |
| 2 | create coarse grid |
| 3 | {{{ |
| 4 | Usage: create_cg [options] <input file> |
| 5 | Options: |
| 6 | --disable-elev Will disable the elevation |
| 7 | --disable-notify Takes an argument. Arguments are ALL, WARN, NOTICE, INFO, |
| 8 | FATAL, DEBUG. If you want multiple disables then just do |
| 9 | multiple --disable-notify on the command line. All argument |
| 10 | are case insensitive. Default is all are enabled. |
| 11 | --ossim-logfile takes a logfile as an argument. All output messages are |
| 12 | redirected to the specified log file. By default there is |
| 13 | no log file and all messages are enabled. |
| 14 | -K specify individual keywords to add to the preferences |
| 15 | keyword list: name=value |
| 16 | -P specify a preference file to load |
| 17 | -T specify the classes to trace, ex: ossimInit|ossimImage.* |
| 18 | will trace ossimInit and all ossimImage classes |
| 19 | -e <error> default is .1. This is basically the pixel |
| 20 | accuracy of the grid |
| 21 | -h or --help Shows help |
| 22 | -o <base output name> Specify a new base output name default |
| 23 | it's base name is <image file>.dat and <image file>.geom. |
| 24 | If specified then the output is <base output name>.dat and |
| 25 | <base output name>.geom where the .dat is the coarse grid |
| 26 | and the .geom is the model |
| 27 | -s <min_line_sample_spacing> give the min line sample spacing |
| 28 | for the coarse grid. Helps in converging. Basically will |
| 29 | stop splitting if number of pixels per grid cell gets |
| 30 | below this number. |
| 31 | }}} |