Compiling OSSIM 1.7.9 on a Solaris 10 64 bit machine Date written 15 March 2010 Aaron Light Installing the Source Code: This guide assumes that you are running as root for the duration of the install. * Make sure you have these files in ~/ : .bashrc (if this file already exists, make sure the following is appended) {{{ source .profile source ossimbashrc }}} .profile (if this file already exists, make sure the following is appended) {{{ TERM=gnome export TERM CC=gcc export CC }}} ossimbashrc {{{ # ossimbashrc, contains all of the environment variables for # building ossim and its associated implementations # be sure to source this file for your build # in .bashrc add a source statement to include the ossimbashrc file # from where it resides. This assumes it has been placed in your home # directory. # # source ossimbashrc # # # Where is the Development source code directory export DEVHOME=${HOME}/Development # Where is the install target # for local install # export DEFAULT_INSTALL=${HOME}/usr_local # export INSTALL_HERE=${HOME}/usr_local/ossim # To be used for LD Project installs export AFS_INSTALL=/afs/ld/software/gis/ossim # for system install export DEFAULT_INSTALL=/usr/local export INSTALL_HERE=/usr/local # Where is the OSSIM source code top directory export OSSIM_DEV_HOME=${DEVHOME}/ossimsource export OSSIM_HOME=${OSSIM_DEV_HOME}/ossim export GDAL_HOME=${OSSIM_DEV_HOME}/ossim_dependencies/gdal/gdal-1.5.1 export LIBTIFF_HOME=${INSTALL_HERE}/include export OP_DIRECTORY=${OSSIM_DEV_HOME}/ossim_plugins # Variables for Groovy and Grails export GRAILS_HOME={DEVHOME}/ossimsource/ossim_dependencies/grails-1.0.3 export GROOVY_HOME={DEVHOME}/ossimsource/ossim_dependencies/groovy-1.5.6 export OSSIM_PREFERENCES_FILE=~/ossim_preferences # OpenSceneGraph Variables export OSGHOME=${DEVHOME}/ossimsource/ossim_dependencies/OpenSceneGraph/src OSGFP=/usr/local/share/OpenSceneGraph-Data export OSG_FILE_PATH=${OSGF9}:${OSGFP}/Images:${OSGFP}/shaders:${OSGFP}/SolarSystem:${OSGFP}/fonts:${OSGFP}/Catch:${OSGFP}/Cubemap_axis:${OSGFP}Cubemap_snow:${OSGFP}/ExampleThumnails:${OSGFP}/Configuration export OSGDATA=${OSG_FILE_PATH} # Trolltech Qt variables export QTDIR=${DEFAULT_INSTALL}/Trolltech/Qt-4.4.0/ # other OSSIM related defs export OSSIM_QT_HOME=${OSSIM_DEV_HOME}/ossim_qt4 export OSSIMPREDATOR_INC_DIR=${OSSIM_DEV_HOME}/ossimPredator/include export OSSIMPREDATOR_LIB_DIR=${OSSIM_DEV_HOME}/ossimPredator/lib export LIBWMS_INC_DIR=${INSTALL_HERE}/include export LIBWMS_LIB_DIR=${INSTALL_HERE}/lib # export OPENTHREADS_INC_DIR=${OSGHOME}/src/OpenThreads/include/OpenThreads # PATHS to find things export PATH=${INSTALL_HERE}/bin:$QTDIR/bin:$PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${INSTALL_HERE}/lib:${INSTALL_HERE}/lib64:$QTDIR/lib:${OSG_LIB_DIR}:${DEFAULT_INSTALL}/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH # Handy aliases alias dev='cd ${DEVHOME}; echo "Development Directory";ls' alias oz='cd ${OSSIM_HOME}; echo "OSSIM Home";ls' alias ozd='cd ${OSSIM_DEV_HOME}/ossim_dependencies ; echo "OSSIM Dependencies"; ls' alias osg='cd ${OSGHOME}; echo "OpenSceneGraph"; ls' alias oqt='cd ${OSSIM_QT_HOME} ; echo "OSSIM QT4 Home"; ls' alias opt='cd ${OSSIM_DEV_HOME}/ossimPlanet ; echo "ossimPlanet source"; ls' alias ih='cd ${INSTALL_HERE} ; "Install Directory"; ls' }}} * Make sure root is using bash. I did this by editing /etc/passwd and changing the shell command to: /bin/bash You will also need to run these commands to fix shell inconsistencies: {{{ mv /usr/bin/sh /usr/bin/sh~ ln -s /usr/bin/bash /usr/bin/sh }}} * Perl needs a symlink in place for one of the dependencies {{{ ln -s /usr/bin/perl /usr/local/bin/perl }}} * Edit /etc/profile and verify the path is correct at the bottom of the file. Mine was: {{{ PATH="$PATH:$HOME/bin:/usr/xpg6/bin:/usr/xpg4/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:/usr/ucb:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sfw/bin:/opt/sfw/bin:/root/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/bin:/opt/csw/bin:/opt/csw/sbin:/opt/csw/gcc3/bin:/usr/sfw/sbin:/opt/csw/mysql5/bin:/usr/ccs/bin" export PATH }}} Log out and log back in to reflect changes to the paths. Here are the packages you will need, downloaded from Version numbers may vary. {{{ pkgadd -d autoconf-2.65-sol10-x86-local pkgadd -d automake-1.11.1-sol10-x86-local pkgadd -d binutils-2.20.1-sol10-x86-local pkgadd -d cmake-2.4.8-sol10-x86-local pkgadd -d coreutils-8.2-sol10-x86-local pkgadd -d curl-7.20.0-sol10-x86-local pkgadd -d db-4.2.52.NC-sol10-intel-local pkgadd -d expat-2.0.1-sol10-x86-local pkgadd -d gcc-3.4.6-sol10-x86-local pkgadd -d gdbm-1.8.3-sol10-intel-local pkgadd -d gmp-4.2.1-sol10-x86-local pkgadd -d gtk+-2.12.0-sol10-x86-local pkgadd -d libiconv-1.13.1-sol10-x86-local pkgadd -d libidn-1.18-sol10-x86-local pkgadd -d libintl-3.4.0-sol10-x86-local pkgadd -d libsigsegv-2.6-sol10-x86-local pkgadd -d libssh2-1.2.4-sol10-x86-local pkgadd -d libtool-2.2.6b-sol10-x86-local pkgadd -d libxml2-2.6.31-sol10-x86-local pkgadd -d m4-1.4.14-sol10-x86-local pkgadd -d make-3.81-sol10-x86-local pkgadd -d mpfr-2.4.0-sol10-x86-local pkgadd -d nano-2.2.1-sol10-x86-local pkgadd -d ncurses-5.6-sol10-x86-local pkgadd -d neon-0.25.5-sol10-x86-local pkgadd -d openssl-0.9.8l-sol10-x86-local pkgadd -d opera-10.10.gcc4-static-qt3.pkg pkgadd -d sed-4.2.1-sol10-x86-local pkgadd -d subversion-1.4.3-sol10-x86-local pkgadd -d swig-1.3.36-sol10-x86-local pkgadd -d zlib-1.2.3-sol10-x86-local }}} Instructions for building the OSSIM distribution on Solaris 10 systems. This tutorial tracks an install of the OSSIM distribution from July 2008 on a freshly installed version of Solaris 10. This tutorial assumes a build out of a home directory Development folder with default installation at /usr/local/ossim as defined by the INSTALL_HERE environmental variable. The entire OSSIM distribution contains many source directories and dependencies. Proper set up of the environmental variables used during the build is key to a successful build from source code. Assuming a default installation from source in your home directory: {{{ cd mkdir Development cd Development mkdir ossimsource cd ossimsource }}} To check out the entire source code tree from svn, you must be connected to the internet and type: {{{ svn co .      (note the trailing dot) }}} Now we’ll check and use the ‘dev’ alias to change directories {{{ dev }}} The prompt should echo back Development Directory and list any files that are in that directory. Gathering the Dependency Source Code The following dependencies are need to build and can be downloaded into the source directory. URLs are provided. {{{ openmpi gdal geotiff ftp::// libtiff (with bigtiff support) Qt4 OpenSceneGraph 2.6.1 OpenThreads use the one from OpenSceneGraph collada for OpenSceneGraph colladadom_21.tgz in snapshots ffmpeg svn checkout svn:// ffmpeg }}} Make an ossim_dependencies directory {{{ dev cd ossimsource mkdir ossim_dependencies ozd (should move you to ossim_dependencies directory) }}} move and uncompress all of the dependencies into this directory {{{ ozd tar xvf cmake-2.6.0.tar tar xvfz colladadom_21.tgz tar xvfz expat-2.0.1.tar.gz unzip tar xvfz gdal-1.5.1.tar.gz tar xvfz libgeotiff-1.2.3.tgz tar xvfz libtiff-4.0.0.tgz tar xvfz openmpi-1.2.6.tar.gz unzip tar xvf qt-x11-opensource-src-4.4.0.tar unzip tar xvfz jpegsrc.v6b.tar.gz }}} libjpeg to make sure we are picking up 64 bit version {{{ ozd cd jpeg-6b which libtool ln -s /usr/bin/libtool . ls ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --enable-static --enable-shared make make install }}} ffmpeg {{{ ozd cd ffmpeg ./configure --prefix=${INSTALL_HERE} --disable-vhook --disable-mmx --enable-shared --disable-static make make install }}} The include files don’t line up with code, in the install location created ffmpeg dir and moved the libavs down into it. {{{ cd ${INSTALL_HERE}/include mkdir ffmpeg mv libav* ffmpeg cd ffmpeg cp libavcodec/* . cp libavdevice/* . cp libavformat/* . cp libavutil/* . }}} EXPAT Downloaded from {{{ ozd cd expat-2.0.1 ./configure --prefix=${INSTALL_HERE} make make install }}} libtiff (bigtiff) {{{ ozd cd libtiff-4.0.0 chmod +x configure ./configure --prefix=${INSTALL_HERE} make make install cd libtiff cp *.h /usr/local/include }}} Geotiff {{{ ozd cd libgeotiff-1.2.3 ./configure --prefix=${INSTALL_HERE} --with-libtiff=${INSTALL_HERE} rm config.status ./configure --prefix=${INSTALL_HERE} --with-libtiff=${INSTALL_HERE} make clean make make install cd ${INSTALL_HERE}/lib ls (should see the installed libtiff and libgeotiff libs) }}} GDAL {{{ ozd cd gdal-1.5.1 ./configure --prefix=${INSTALL_HERE} --with-libtiff=${INSTALL_HERE} --with-libgeotiff=${INSTALL_HERE} --with-expat-inc=${INSTALL_HERE}/include --with-expat-lib=${INSTALL_HERE}/lib --with-expat=${INSTALL_HERE) make clean; make make install }}} OpenMPI {{{ ozd cd openmpi-1.2.6 ./configure (had to run this without args first) ./configure --prefix=${INSTALL_HERE} make make install }}} CMake Will need to make sure that cmake is on the system, if not download and install it {{{ ozd cd cmake-2.6.0 ./bootstrap --prefix=${INSTALL_HERE} make make install }}} ColladaDOM 2.1 The Linux build needs libxml, PCRE, and boost filesytem development files installed on your machine to build the DOM. {{{ pcre-devel-6.6-2.el5_1.7.x86_64.rpm (install this through the package manager) pcre-6.6-2.el5_1.7.x86_64.rpm ozd cd colladadom_21m cd dom make all ih cd include mkdir colladadom ozd; cd colladadom/dom edit the Makefile line 179 to read: prefix :=/usr/local make install (gets the headers in place then fails) cd build cd linux-1.4/ cp -r libcollada14dom* ${INSTALL_HERE}/lib/ }}} OpenSceneGraph Note: On the mac, just build OpenSceneGraph with the included xcode project. Follow the default install instructions which install in /usr/local on unix: {{{ ozd cd OpenSceneGraph ./configure (first time error’d out ) ./configure make }}} Next steps require admin privileges {{{ make install exit ozd su cp -r OpenSceneGraph-Data /usr/local/share exit }}} To see if you have OpenSceneGraph installed and running: {{{ ozd cd OpenSceneGraph-Data osgviewer cow.osg press to quit }}} OSSIM {{{ oz ./configure --prefix=${INSTALL_HERE} --with-libtiff=${INSTALL_HERE} --with-geotiff=${INSTALL_HERE} --with-freetype=/usr --with-mpi=${INSTALL_HERE} --with-openthreads=${INSTALL_HERE} make depends make make install }}} libwms need to manually copy lib/include to INSTALL_HERE {{{ oz cd ../libwms make cd bin cd Linux64/ cp * ${INSTALL_HERE}/bin/ cd ${OSSIM_DEV_HOME}/libwms/src/Linux64.Opt (build location for RH E) cp ${INSTALL_HERE}/lib/ cd ../../include/ cp -r * ${INSTALL_HERE}/include/ }}} ossim_plugins {{{ ozd cd ../ossim_plugins make all make install }}} typing {{{ cd ${INSTALL_HERE}/lib ls * }}} should return the installed, built plugins move them into an ossim_plugins directory {{{ mkdir ossim_plugins (if necessary)opt mv -r * ossim_plugins }}} ossimPredator {{{ oz cd ../ossimPredator mkdir lib cd src make cd ../lib cp ${INSTALL_HERE}/lib }}} ossimPlanet {{{ opt cd Make }}} edit the makedefs file and uncomment the DEV += -DOSSIMPLANET_ENABLE_PREDATOR line. {{{ opt make cd src/ossimPlanet/Linux64.Opt (for RH E 5.0) cp ${INSTALL_HERE}/lib opt cd examples/ossimplanetviewer/Linux64.Opt cp ossimplanetviewer ${INSTALL_HERE}/bin opt cd include cp -r ossimPlanet ${INSTALL_HERE}/include }}} Copy the reference data in place from the ossim_package_support directory, do a recursive copy of the images directory to the install location for future retrival, {{{ cd mkdir .ossim opt cd ../ossim_package_support cp -r fonts icons geoids images ${INSTALL_HERE}/dotossim }}} make a copy in the install location so other users can copy it {{{ cp -r ${INSTALL_HERE}/dotossim ~/.ossim }}} Trolltech QT 4 This is a fairly lengthy install, so we use the --fast switch to install the minimum. QT is the cross platform GUI system used by imagelinker, iview and ossimplanet. Be sure to configure with the complete path /usr/local/ossim/Trolltech/Qt-4.4.0. {{{ ozd cd qt-x11-opensource-src-4.4.0 ./configure --prefix=${INSTALL_HERE}/Trolltech/Qt-4.4.0 --fast make make install }}} Verification: {{{ which qmake }}} should return: {{{ /usr/local//Trolltech/Qt-4.4.0/bin/qmake }}} OSSIM_QT4 {{{ oqt qmake make cd bin mv * ${INSTALL_HERE}/bin/ cd ../include/ mv * ${INSTALL_HERE}/include/ cd ../lib mv * ${INSTALL_HERE}/lib/ cd which imagelinker imagelinker }}} ossimPlanetQt {{{ oz cd ../ossimPlanetQt cd src vi /INSTALL_PREFIX :177 }}} uncomment the lines 162, 179 to define INSTALL_PREFIX and LOCAL_ROOT to $INSTALL_HERE At this approximate location you can uncomment the INSTALL_PREFIX assignment to install at your variable location e.g. INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local/lib uncomment the INSTALL_PREFIX=$$ also change the LOCAL_ROOT by uncommenting the one with INSTALL_PREFIX :159 LOCAL_ROOT=/usr/local/ {{{ cd .. make clean qmake make make install }}} Changing the install doesn’t get the application, copy manually {{{ cp ossimplanet ${INSTALL_HERE}/bin }}} Line 184 the -L for LOCAL_ROOT was not in parenthesis and not being picked up. Same with the include line added -L$$(INSTALL_PREFIX)/lib in LIBS += lines to use the ossim commands, the startup environment will need to be modified for any user that wants to use them.  Need to have LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable set in the appropriate shell file (.cshrc or .bashrc).  Any custom ossim_preferences should be in a local version of the ossim_preferences in a users home directory.  Otherwise, all preferences will come from the system level file. OMS - OSSIM Mapping Services {{{ oz cd ../oms/com make make install (might put it in /usr/local/ossim move includes and libs to /usr/local) cd ../joms ant dist }}} needed to update ant to 1.7 ossim preferences file setup There is a template under ossim/etc/templates need to fill this out, save (~/ossim_preferences) and make sure that {{{ export OSSIM_PREFS_FILE=~/ossim_preferences }}} is set in your bashrc or ossimbashrc file. Note, the ~.ossim subdirectory (dotossim) will be picked up by default in the home directory ~/.ossim