= OssimPlanet =
OssimPlanet is a high performance, 3D geospatial visualization tool built on top of OSSIM and !OpenSceneGraph. It automatically intersects with DTED and/or SRTM elevation trees for topography and handles a wide range of commercial and government file formats natively. Additionally, remote layers can be accessed over the web through OGC WMS interfaces. Join the OSSIM mailing list for developer discussions. Packages coming soon, currently available through svn checkout under the ossimPlanet and ossimplanet_qt modules.
* [wiki:ossimPlanetAPI]
* [http://download.osgeo.org/ossim/docs/pdfs/ossimPlanetUsers.pdf ossimPlanet Users Guide]
== Related Links ==
* [http://www.openscenegraph.org/projects/osg OpenSceneGraph]
* [http://qt.nokia.com/ QT]