= MacOSX Build = Note, this page is being updated, in the interim please refer to [http://download.osgeo.org/ossim/docs/pdfs/OssimBuildInstructions_v1.4.pdf OSSIM Build Instructions V 1.4] ossimPlanet is being initially developed on the OSX platform with the XCode developer tools. == Binary Installer == The easiest way to get up and running is to install the latest binary installer. During initial development, a fairly recent version of the software will be available at http://download.osgeo.org/ossim/installers/mac/ Look for and download the dmg file which will should mount after download. Double click the package installer and the libararies and frameworks will be installed in [[standard locations]]: == Development == {{{ OSSIM Build Documentation for Mac OS X Dave Lucas - ossimdave@me.com 1. Open up a terminal 2. Make a development directory in /Users/Shared/ mkdir /Users/Shared/Development/ 3. Change the directory to /Users/Shared/Development/ cd /Users/Shared/Development/ 4. Check out all of the OSSIM modules using SVN svn co http://svn.osgeo.org/ossim/trunk . (note the trailing dot) 5. Download the OSSIM Dependencies http://download.osgeo.org/ossim/dependencies/mac/ossim_dependencies.tgz 6. Move the ossim_dependencies.tgz to /Users/Shared/Development/ mv /users/davidlucas/Downloads/ossim_dependencies.tar /Users/Shared/Development/ 7. Extract the ossim_dependencies.tgz using tar tar -xvf ossim_dependencies.tar 8. Remove the ossim_dependencies.tgz (optional) rm ossim_dependencies.tgz Install the Trolltech Qt Development package, the open source version of qt-mac-cocoa.dmg can be found in the ossim_dependencies folder. Double click and install if necessary. 9. Xcode Build Instructions Open up Xcode Select File Menu / Open Navigate to /Users/Shared/Development/ossim/xcode/ossim/ Select ossim.xcodeproj Click open Set Active Build Configuration to Release Click Build 10. Launch Active Executable Select Build Menu / Build Results Set Active Executable to ossimplanet Select Run Menu / Run }}} == Problems with the Build? == * Make sure you have downloaded the latest ossim_dependencies. The folder should be placed at /Users/Shared/Development/ossim_dependencies . * Get the latest from svn {{{ cd /Users/Shared/Development svn update . }}} * Set the Configuration in xcode to the Release build * Do a clean all under build with the ossim project * open a terminal and rm -rf /var/tmp/ (forces rebuild of all of the qt gui widgets) * under xcode make sure the project is ossim, the target is All, the configuration is Release, Active executable ossimplanet == Package Building == Here are some quick notes on building and packaging. After building the All target, select the build_package_dir target and build. This target creates a package directory in the xcode build directory. Applications, tools, frameworks, support files and dependencies are then staged into the package directory. Next, in the Developer/Applications/Utilities folder open up PackageMaker and open the ossim package maker file that is located in the ossim_package_support directory. Note that the ossim_package_support directory is available as a module checkout at www.remotesensing.org:/cvs. It contains geoids and initial reference images for the packaging. Once you have opened the ossim packagemaker file, select build and an installer package will be generated. Optionally, you can use a utility such as DropDMG to create a dmg disk image for distribution. This is a universal installer for ossim applications and frameworks.