Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of GoogleSummerOfCode

May 14, 2009, 5:31:54 AM (15 years ago)



  • GoogleSummerOfCode

    v5 v6  
    4242Data managing :
    44 Using to read avaiable layer (image, elevation, vector) from the mapset, put a list for each type in a relative combobox,  For each type will be possible to run on the relative layer the ossim executable application, img2rr to make preview, cmm, orthoigen to produce elevation data, ossim_height to retrieve msl data,  and others.
     44To load data for now i've no clue if it will be possible to load data dinamically (using tcp or modifing source code), so i'm studing a way to add layers ...
     45the more simple way seems to be :  " generate a ossim.session "
     46i can generate it using python to create a list of layers to be "added" in the ossimplanet scene.
     48Using to read avaiable layer (image, elevation, vector) from the mapset, put a list for each type in a relative combobox,  For each type will be possible to run on the relative layer the ossim executable application, img2rr to make preview, cmm, orthoigen to produce elevation data, ossim_height to retrieve msl data...
    4549The ossim executable will run on grass data or external files.
    46 To load data for now i've no clue if it will be possible to load it dinamically (using tcp or modifing source), so i'm studing a way to add layers ...
    47 the more simple way seems to be : generate an ossim.session file using python from a list of "added" layers.
    48 For ogr vectors will be possible to add capabilities to customize its rendering using a kwl files, i'm tring that option to create a dialog to select colors, line's width, point's size etc .. (rasterizing vecor object will be an option, i'll add it too)
    50 Issue and question :
    51 where can i retrieve information on how to add a placemark using tcp
     51For ogr (grass too) vectors i'll add a dialog to customize vector rendering. colors, line's width, point's size etc.
     52(rasterize vecors will be an option, i'll add it too)
    5757I begin to wrote the code for the project, actually i'm giving the firts attention to the positioning capabilities in ossimplanet.
     58then i'll work to improve the grass bindings (load data)
     63 week 1: Organize the algorithm design, define the needed classes to develop the code's functionality, design the GUI.
     65         interface.
     67 week 2: Implement the Grass module, first the data export (elevation), then implement the synchronism between Grass-map-canvas-extent (grass-region) and OssimPlanet.
     69 week 3: Implement a GPS parser to send the position messages to OssimPlanet (with postgis data-save capabilities)
     71 week 4: Implement the joystick code using Pygame.
     73 weeks 5-6-7: Work on OssimPlanet side to make the ability to load data from command line and/or using TCP connection.
     75 weeks 8-9: Work on the gui code to adapt new code that comes up from the previouse week progress
     77 weeks 10-11: Port the gui implemented for grass, inside Qgis as a PyQt python plug-in and/or a Grass-Qgis module.
     79 week 12: Fix bugs, write documentation, packaging.