[[BR]] === Weekly Report 1 === '''What did you get done this week?''' * I refractored PlanetSasha code and make it more like an API * Created UI classes for handling Qt's Gui widgets: SashaMainWindow, NavigationWindow, MapWindow, [[BR]] GpsWindow, GraphWindow PanToolBox, RollToolBox, PitchToolBox * Since these classes are handling Qt's QTabWidget & QDockWidget mainly, porting was easy. * Slots has been moved in various places as the single file code style has been abandoned. * Started some code for generating python code at runtime based on PyOSSIM App. ''' What do you plan on doing next week?''' * I will finish PyOSSIM app generator next week ready to be tested. * Understand the code level differences when talking with geonetwork,geoportal and friends * Start coding of PlanetSasha module for fetch getCapabilites '''Are you blocked on anything?''' * As of now nothing [[BR]] === Weekly Report 2 === '''What did you get done this week?''' * Code cleanup was the major work done this week. * ossim apps executed from PlanetSasha now uses pyossim. * To run an ossim application there must be a python wrapper on top of pyossim for the c++ app. * If no wrapper is found it will issue a warning and spawn a process. * I had also added an option to spawn seperate process for every ossim application. * Updating pyossim code to work with ossim trunk. ''' What do you plan on doing next week?''' * I will start implementing the fetch module for USGS Tredds/Geo-Portal services. * Extending preferences class for handling settings for fetch module such as caching. * Start with netcdf part if everything comes clean before thursday. '''Are you blocked on anything?''' * Nothing. I couldn't implement fetch module this week which I can patch up with some extra hours before monday. [[BR]] === Weekly Report 3 === ''' What did you get done this week? ''' * Implemented the nc fetch/import moudle. * As per plan caching mechanism was scheduled for week #3 but I swapped it with week #5 [[BR]] because gui is needed to define some caching parameters such a bbox that comes from an interactive map. * Moved SDI style of PlanetSasha to MDI. It used a tabbed way and takes too much time [[BR]] to load all tabs(actually modules) during startup. MDI seems neater for us. * Added a ossim app runner interface for planetsasha. ''' What do you plan on doing next week? ''' * I will work on the netcdf parser in PlanetSasha. It will parse .nc file from geocatalog and save metadata. * Bounding box selection is now a simple image. Next week I plan to make it interactive as shown in geonetwork. ''' Are you blocked on anything? ''' * Nothing. [[BR]] === Weekly Report 4 === ''' What did you get done this week? ''' * Main work was on parsers. OWSLib can handle openDAP, WCS, WMS services [[BR]] but Thredds catalog may not have them all the time. * I had made a parser for such Thredds catalog for getting netCDF files. * Its based on simple xml and had a standard way but since xml parsing has a lot of boundary [[BR]] conditions to be checked it took most of my time. * Parser has been made reclusive and it has X levels in a Y sub-level. X and Y both being big numbers. * I had also modified the gui for import, using a QWizard instead of a single QWidget. * Apart from that I also tried with some IPython code which can visualize a .nc dataset * Bounding box selection is still simple and making it interactive was planned for this week. * But It seems interactive bounding box have less priority after discussing with my mentor USGS Thredds which doesn't have any OGC services cannot be queried and no lib exists. [[BR]] Some gui elements are optional for Thredds without any OGC Service (WMS/WCS/CSW). [[BR]] ''' What do you plan on doing next week? ''' * I will continue the work Thredds catalog. * Now I had two pieces separately. NC viewer(IPython) and data importer. * I plan to merge both inside PlanetSasha and make that module complete. ''' Are you blocked on anything? ''' * Nothing. But parser making taking a lot of time than expected [[BR]] === Weekly Report 5 === ''' What did you get done this week? ''' * Auto switching to custom planetSasha fetch method for Thredds catalog with no OGC services enabled. * Created a new ui for viewer which uses matplotlib. * When a netCDF source listed in the import is selected it is added to source tree in the viewer ui. * Import allows multiple selection of .nc files which is important because fetching takes time is longer in some cases. * matplotlib's basemap visualize the selected data source from the source manager. ''' What do you plan on doing next week? ''' * Update import ui for time selection, interpolation etc. * Add provision to view metadata netCDF dataset. * Instead of fetching every time a simple xml (custom) should created locally and used in later parsing. * PlanetSasha will check for xml file in local system using custom naming convention (date-time-beautified(url)). * Another alternative I was planning to use is add sqlite db (data_cache.db) for this purpose (can store url, date, time etc..). * The local xml should be removed and created again only if the force option is selected and fetch comes from server. * Using this caching technique user's will be able to fetch the .nc files and save time from redundant parsing of Catalog. ''' Are you blocked on anything? ''' * Fetcing the catalog through recusrive parsing taking a lot of time making a delay in debugging and testing [[BR]] === Weekly Report 6 === ''' What did you get done this week? ''' * worked on mapwindow NetCDF Viewer. added controls to select time period and interpolation * worked on import module. single long fetch is removed. * USGS Thredds catalog fetch mimics that of browser and catalog tree nodes are expanded on user command. This saves a very large amount of time since each fetch takes a couple of seconds and there is no point in creating local xml files to avoid parsing. However .nc files may need caching. * fixed matplotlib issues when plotting inisde PyQt. * added progressbar to monitor matplotlib's plotting. ''' What do you plan on doing next week? ''' * I am planning to add multithreading support in the mapwindow. * matplotlib operations must be done in a seperate thread detached from ui. * I will work on progressbar updation logic based on threading mechanism * If everything comes clean by wednesday I will work on pyossim-planetsasha part ''' Are you blocked on anything? ''' * Nothing [[BR]] === Weekly Report 7 === ''' What did you get done this week? ''' * matplotlib operations must be done in a seperate thread detached from ui. * I need to find a way to get rid of matplotlib but right now its my only option. * updated some properties of ossimwindow * added some methods to utils for sending messages to planet. ''' What do you plan on doing next week? ''' * I plan to work on sending netcdf to ossim. * tcp4ossim and ossimwindow needs to be cleand up. ''' Are you blocked on anything? ''' * Nothing [[BR]] === Weekly Report 8 === ''' What did you get done this week? ''' * I worked on functions in tcp4ossim for sending messages to planet * started with ossim plugin for netcdf ''' What do you plan on doing next week? ''' * continue work on netcdf source in python and c++ ''' Are you blocked on anything? ''' * Nothing I was travelling and have limited access to internet till next monday. But I have access to my development system. [[BR]] === Weekly Report 9 === ''' What did you get done this week? ''' * worked on ossim netcdf reader for ossim.[[BR]] * I learned libraw plugin and created basic classes for reading netcdf data in ossim. ''' What do you plan on doing next week? ''' * I will try to finish getting netcdf as ossimImageSource. * My plan is to get netcdf as numpy and then load it using pyossim-numpy module. * finish xml parsing for running ossim apps through planetsasha. ''' Are you blocked on anything? ''' * Nothing [[BR]] === Weekly Report 10 === ''' What did you get done this week? ''' * Added a new functionality which can load ossim apps based on an xml file ossim-info has been used for testing. but currently xml are not generated by code each app can generate a properties xml and planetsasha's ossimwindow reads this to create and run app from gui ''' What do you plan on doing next week? ''' * continue work on netCDF -> ossim via planetSasha ''' Are you blocked on anything? ''' * Nothing [[BR]] === Weekly Report 11 === ''' What did you get done this week? ''' * created extraction of data from netCDF after processing * vector generated is in shapefile using OGR and can be visualized in planet or grass ''' What do you plan on doing next week? ''' * adding an animate button to send the processed netcdf to planet * sending data to grass using pygrass. I am not sure about v.to.rast needed for sending[[BR]] Default is sending vector data to grass. ''' Are you blocked on anything? ''' * Nothing [[BR]] === Weekly Report 12 === ''' What did you get done this week? ''' * updated mapwindow for sending data to planet and extra var selection * updated export to kml in datawindow class ''' What do you plan on doing next week? ''' * do the needed fix for data sending. planetsasha to grass needs some changes * write documentation for code * prepare a howto file in github for retreving, viewing and animating the circulatory model ''' Are you blocked on anything? ''' * Nothing [[BR]] === Weekly Report 13 === ''' What did you get done this week? ''' * fixed tcp messaging for animate thru add-remove using TCP * updated pyossim for dealing with grass dataset (added two pyossim apps) * created a wiki on github for installation, overview and usage. * updated screehots page on ossim wiki ''' What do you plan on doing next week? ''' * Documentation and updating wiki page on github ''' Are you blocked on anything? ''' * Nothing