Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of GSoC_2013/Reports

Jul 19, 2013, 11:36:04 PM (11 years ago)

weekly report #5


  • GSoC_2013/Reports

    v4 v5  
    9191''' Are you blocked on anything? '''
    9292 * Nothing. But parser making taking a lot of time than expected
     96=== Weekly Report 5 ===
     98''' What did you get done this week? '''
     100 * Auto switching to custom planetSasha fetch method for Thredds catalog with no OGC services enabled.
     101 * Created a new ui for viewer which uses matplotlib.
     102 * When a netCDF source listed in the import is selected it is added to source tree in the viewer ui.
     103 * Import allows multiple selection of .nc files which is important because fetching takes time is longer in some cases.
     104 * matplotlib's basemap visualize the selected data source from the source manager.
     107''' What do you plan on doing next week? '''
     108 * Update import ui for time selection, interpolation etc.
     109 * Add provision to view metadata netCDF dataset.
     110 * Instead of fetching every time a simple xml (custom) should created locally and used in later parsing.
     111 * PlanetSasha will check for xml file in local system using custom naming convention (date-time-beautified(url)).
     112 * Another alternative I was planning to use is add sqlite db (data_cache.db) for this purpose (can store url, date, time etc..).
     113 * The local xml should be removed and created again only if the force option is selected and fetch comes from server.
     114 * Using this caching technique user's will be able to fetch the .nc files and save time from redundant parsing of Catalog.
     116''' Are you blocked on anything? '''
     117 * Fetcing the catalog through recusrive parsing taking a lot of time making a delay in debugging and testing