Version 60 (modified by 12 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
Fedora build with cmake: ¶
Author: David Burken
Last modified: 10 October 2012
Feedback welcome. Please send to the ossim mailing list at "ossim-developer AT" and reference this page.
Note: Unix commands start with $, anything else will be notes, comments. If you see a $ <some_command> The part after slash slash is a comment.
Getting the packages you need with yum:
After doing a fresh desktop install of Fedora these are some packages I usually need:
sudo yum install ant ant-contrib ant-manual autogen automake autoconf boost boost-devel cmake cpptasks cppunit cppunit-devel cvs gcc-c++ byacc expat-devel fftw flex git subversion libjpeg-turbo-devel freetype freetype-devel fftw-devel java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel libcurl-devel libcurl libpng-devel libpng libtool libXmu libXmu-devel minizip-devel OpenThreads-devel podofo podofo-devel python-devel qt qt-devel swig thunderbird xemacs xemacs-common xemacs-info.noarch xemacs-packages-base.noarch xemacs-packages-extra-info.noarch xemacs-packages-extra.noarch yasm yasm-devel zlib-devel
Environment variables
I put my build environment in a separate file that I source. I do this because I have more than one workspace, i.e. osgeo, geoeye, geoeye-dev. This is a snip from ossimrc-osgeo file:
### # File: ossimrc-osgeo ### ### # ANT ### ANT_HOME=/usr/share/ant ### # Java ### JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java dev=/work/osgeo OSSIM_DEPENDENCIES=${dev}/local OSSIM_DEV_HOME=${dev} OSSIM_HOME=${dev}/ossim OSSIM_INSTALL_PREFIX=${dev}/local OSSIM_PREFS_FILE=${HOME}/ossim-prefs-osgeo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${OSSIM_DEV_HOME}/build/lib:${OSSIM_DEV_HOME}/ossim_qt/lib:${OSSIM_DEV_HOME}/openjpeg:${OSSIM_DEV_HOME}/Lidar_DSDK/lib:${OSSIM_DEV_HOME}/Raster_DSDK/lib:${OSSIM_DEV_HOME}/local/lib64:${OSSIM_DEV_HOME}/local/lib PATH=${HOME}/bin:${OSSIM_DEV_HOME}/build/bin:${OSSIM_DEV_HOME}/local/bin:${OSSIM_DEV_HOME}/openjpeg/codec:${dev}/kakadu/latest/bin/Linux-x86-64-gcc:${PATH}:/usr/sbin:/sbin export ANT_HOME JAVA_HOME LD_LIBRARY_PATH OSSIM_DEPENDENCIES OSSIM_DEV_HOME OSSIM_HOME OSSIM_INSTALL_PREFIX OSSIM_PREFS_FILE PATH ### # Set the title so we know we're running osgeo code.: ### PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;osgeo4: ${PWD}\007"'
Make a workspace:
Top level:
$ mkdir /work/osgeo
ossim build dir:
$ mkdir /work/osgeo/build
Sandbox for 3rd party dependencies:
$mkdir /work/osgeo/local
To build the osgeo side:
I have files that I source. One for osgeo one for geoeye. So I can source one or the other and then build and test code. So in my bash start up scripts I start with no ossim stuff set. Since we're building osgeo I do:
cd to home
$ cd
Source my osgeo setup file. This sets OSSIM_HOME, OSSIM_PREFS_FILE and so on. File contents at end:
$ . ossimrc-osgeo
$ cd /work/osgeo
Make the directory(sandbox) for 3rd party dependencies:
$ mkdir local
First time through check out code. Note I don't like to check out the whole trunk so I do pieces.
I always build geos, libtiff, geotiff, gdal from the latest. You don't have to, it's up to you. Most of these you can get from yum but I find the code is usually way behind.
NOTE: Things I build with cmake I use an "out of source" build so I put in a sub directory of the package.
Needed by ossim.
$ mkdir /work/osgeo/geos
$ cd !$ last argument of last command
$ svn co geos-svn
$ cd geos-svn
$ ./tools/
$ cd ..
$ mkdir build "out of source" build dir
$ cd build
Make a cmake config script
$ xemacs Use whatever editor you want, gedit, whatever...
Contents of script:
#!/bin/sh # --- # File: # --- build_dir="/work/osgeo"; cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${build_dir}/local \ -DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH=${build_dir}/geos/geos-svn/cmake/modules \ ../geos-svn
Make the script executable:
$ chmod 755
Run the cmake command to set up the build system:
$ ./
Make - note the "-j 4" is to use 4 threads.
$ make -j 4
Install to sandbox:
$ make install Note if your sandbox was on a system slice, i.e. /usr/local you would do: "sudo make install"
End of GEOS
Needed by libgeotiff, gdal...
$ mkdir /work/osgeo/proj
$ cd !$ last argument of last command
$ svn co proj-svn
$ cd proj-svn
Make config script
$ xemacs Use whatever editor you want, gedit, whatever...
Contents of script:
#!/bin/sh prefix=/work/osgeo/local ./configure --prefix=$prefix
Make the script executable:
$ chmod 755
Run the config command to set up the build system:
$ ./
Make - note the "-j 4" is to use 4 threads.
$ make -j 4
Install to sandbox:
$ make install Note if your sandbox was on a system slice, i.e. /usr/local you would do: "sudo make install"
$ cp src/projects.h /work/osgeo/local/include
End of PROJ4
Needed by OpenSceneGraph, libgeotiff, ossim, gdal...
$ cd /work/osgeo
$ cvs -d co libtiff
$ cd libtiff
Make a configure script
$ xemacs
Contents of script:
#!/bin/sh # File: prefix=/work/osgeo/local ./configure --prefix=$prefix
Make the script executable:
$ chmod 755
Run the cmake command to set up the build system:
$ ./
Make - note the "-j 4" is to use 4 threads.
$ make -j 4
Install to sandbox:
$ make install Note if your sandbox was on a system slice, i.e. /usr/local you would do: "sudo make install"
End of libtiff
Needed by ossim, gdal...
At this point we will need ossim_package_support module so get it:
$ cd /work/osgeo
$ svn co ossim_package_support
$ mkdir /work/osgeo/geotiff
$ cd !$
$ svn co libgeotiff
$ mkdir build "out of source" build dir
$ cd build
Make a cmake config script
Note my config tell libgeotif to use my libtiff NOT the system libtiff.
$ xemacs Use whatever editor you want, gedit, whatever...
Contents of script:
#!/bin/sh # File: build_root=/work/osgeo install_root=/work/osgeo/local cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -DCMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH=$install_root/include \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$install_root \ -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH=$install_root/lib \ -DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH=$build_root/ossim_package_support/cmake/CMakeModules \ -DGEOTIFF_ENABLE_INCODE_EPSG=ON \ -DWITH_JPEG=ON \ -DWITH_PROJ4=ON \ -DWITH_TIFF=ON \ -DWITH_ZLIB=ON \ ../libgeotiff/
Make the script executable:
$ chmod 755
Run the cmake command to set up the build system:
$ ./
Make - note the "-j 4" is to use 4 threads.
$ make -j 4
Install to sandbox:
$ make install Note if your sandbox was on a system slice, i.e. /usr/local you would do: "sudo make install"
End of geotiff
ossim has an OpenThreads dependency. If you are building OpenSceneGraph for ossimplanet it is in there; else, get it from yum.
$ sudo yum install OpenThreads-devel
End of OpenThreads
Needed by ossimplanet. Provide OpenThreads.
$ cd /work/osgeo
$ mkdir osg
$ cd !$
Get OpenSceneGraph release and place here.
$ unzip
$ ln -s OpenSceneGraph-3.0.1 latest
$ mkdir build
$ cd !$
Create cmake script. Contents of
#!/bin/sh # --- # File: # --- build_root=/work/osgeo install_root=/work/osgeo/local cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$install_root \ -DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH=$build_root/osg/latest/CMakeModules \ ../latest
$ chmod 755
$ ./
$ make -j 4
$ make install
End of OpenSceneGraph
Not required but nice to have. Can be used by both ossim and gdal.
Note you need jni.h and JAVA_HOME environment variable so that that the make picks it up.
jni.h is in openjdk-devel package mine is "java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel.x86_64"
To install do "sudo yum install java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel.x86_64"
JAVA_HOME is set to:
We now require Kakadu version 7.1.
$ env | grep JAVA JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java
$ mkdir kakadu
Copy your kakadu zip file.
$ cd kakadu
$ unzip
$ cd v7_1-12345C/make
Choose the make file that matches your build:
$ make -f Makefile-Linux-x86-64-gcc
Make a link
$ cd /work/osgeo/kakadu
$ ln -s v7_1-12345C latest
Copy the libraries to our sandbox:
Note under /work/osgeo/kakadu/latest/lib there will be sub-directories for your build type.
$ pwd[[BR]] /work/osgeo/kakadu/latest/lib/Linux-x86-32-gcc $ ls libkdu.a* libkdu_aux.a** $ cp *.so *.a /work/osgeo/local/lib
End of kakadu
$ cd /work/osgeo
svn co gdal
$ cd gdal
Make a configure script
$ xemacs
Contents of script:
Note the gdal configure can be quite lengthy. Edit as required.
This builds gdal with my libtiff and geotiff.
I had to remove "--with-geos" as their configure did not handle the "" version.
#!/bin/sh # File: # Note: Python needed for QGIS. prefix=/work/osgeo/local ./configure --prefix=${prefix} --with-kakadu=/work/osgeo/kakadu/latest --with-libtiff=/work/osgeo/local --with-geotiff=/work/osgeo/local --with-mrsid=/work/drb/mrsid/Geo_DSDK- --with-python
Make the script executable:
$ chmod 755
Run the cmake command to set up the build system:
$ ./
Make - note the "-j 4" is to use 4 threads.
$ make -j 4
Install to sandbox:
$ make install Note if your sandbox was on a system slice, i.e. /usr/local you would do: "sudo make install"
End of gdal
Note there's too much junk in the trunk so I usually pull individual modules:
Get the code:
$ cd /work/osgeo
$ svn co omar
$ svn co oms
$ svn co ossim
$ svn co ossimGui
$ svn co ossimjni
$ svn co ossim_package_support If you haven't already.
$ svn co ossim_plugins
$ svn co ossim_qt4
$ svn co libwms
$ mkdir build "out of source" build dir
$ cd build
Make a cmake config script
$ xemacs Use whatever editor you want, gedit, whatever...
Contents of script:
Make the script executable:
$ chmod 755
Run the cmake command to set up the build system:
$ ./
Make - note the "-j 4" is to use 4 threads.
$ make -j 4
I usually do not do a make install on mine because I develop out of it.
End of ossim
That's it!!!
If everything built and your environment is set up correct, i.e. PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH you should have all the libtiff, geotiff, gdal, and ossim applications including: "imagelinker", "iview", "ossim-geocell".