Milestone ossimPlanet 2.0
Includes the following major improvements to the ossimPlanet library system:
Dual Queues for elevation and textures
Elevation loading currently causes a delay when entering a new geographic area. Establishing multi-threaded dual queues will allow the textures to stream in without delay. With the restructuring of the elevation system the team plans on implementing an optimized elevation loader that supports pre-computed elevation tiles. This change should substantially improve the performance of elevation loading.
General Purpose Annotation Layer
A refactored annotation layer will be added to support placemarks, models, and three dimensional graphics within the geographic context of ossimPlanet. New annotation objects will be manipulated as point objects - with translation, scaling, and rotation matrix applied around the local point origin. This approach will improve overall performance for complex annotations. Support for these objects will be added to the router/action system and the ossimPlanet API.
Atmospheric effects
Add atmospheric effects and possibly osg ephemeris functionality to ossimPlanet. This mechanism will be used for adding more realistic environmental visualizations within ossimPlanet.
Improving KML/KMZ Support
Improve the support for KML 2.1 in ossimPlanet, implement more drawables and support network links. Improve more sophisticated modes for texture mirroring and flipping.
New camera and navigation manipulators
Improve the ossimPlanet navigation manipulators and support more robust keyboard and mouse bindings. Support additional navigation modes - attachment to objects, lookat modes, tethering to objects.
Support additional special effects and events
Enable advanced OpenSceneGraph effects in ossimPlanet - fire, smoke, reflections, etc. Evaluate advanced environmental effects.
Support advanced picking and mouse rollover
Reveal metadata, investigate event and html triggering from metadata. Investigate the wxWidgets capabilities for OSG.
Implement Simulation Time
Investigate built in OpenSceneGraph simulation time and implement controls and GUI for controlling playback.