Milestone RROC-IOC

15 years late (02/28/10 21:00:00)


Total number of tickets: 33 - closed: 33 - active: 0


14 / 14

Data Management

6 / 6


2 / 2


3 / 3


8 / 8

RROC-IOC Milestone planning

This milestone summarizes fixes, enhancments, and capabilities that will be in RROC's initial operating capability. This milestone will introduce several performance enhancements and new information views as well as a user feedback mechanism.

Scaling and Performance

The primary focus of this milestone is to provide performance, scaling, and stability to the initial release. The current elevation management factories need to be improved. The introduction of new modes will avoid many of the expensive computations by default while preserving precision terrain correction as a user initiated option.

Elevation Management Enhancements

A number of algorithmic enhancements and optimizations need to be applied to the fetching, cacheing and application of elevation.


Users can order and produce products for ftp transfer. Smaller chips might be wrapped in KMZ format.

Note: See TracRoadmap for help on using the roadmap.