Changes between Version 10 and Version 11 of noblenightly57
- Timestamp:
- 09/10/24 19:26:06 (5 months ago)
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
- Modified
v10 v11 3 3 GDAL 3.9.2, released 2024/08/13 4 4 }}} 5 {{{ 6 affine 7 appdirs 8 APScheduler 9 argon2-cffi 10 asttokens 11 attrs 12 Babel 13 bcc 14 beautifulsoup4 15 bleach 16 blinker 17 branca 18 Brlapi 19 Brotli 20 bytecode 21 cachetools 22 Cartopy 23 certifi 24 cftime 25 chardet 26 click 27 click-plugins 28 cligj 29 cloudpickle 30 colorama 31 comm 32 command-not-found 33 contourpy 34 coverage 35 cryptography 36 cupshelpers 37 cycler 38 dask 39 datacube 40 dateparser 41 dbus-python 42 debugpy 43 decorator 44 defusedxml 45 deprecation 46 distributed 47 distro 48 distro-info 49 entrypoints 50 executing 51 fastjsonschema 52 filelock 53 fiona 54 Flask 55 folium 56 fonttools 57 fs 58 fsspec 59 future 60 galternatives 61 GDAL 62 GeoAlchemy2 63 geographiclib 64 geojson 65 geolinks 66 geopandas 67 gps 68 greenlet 69 html5lib 70 httplib2 71 humanize 72 idna 73 importlib-metadata 74 importlib-resources 75 iotop 76 ipykernel 77 ipyleaflet 78 ipython 79 ipython-genutils 80 ipywidgets 81 isodate 82 itsdangerous 83 jedi 84 Jinja2 85 jsonref 86 jsonschema 87 jupyter_client 88 jupyter_core 89 jupyter_packaging 90 jupyterlab-pygments 91 kiwisolver 92 language-selector 93 lark 94 launchpadlib 95 lazr.restfulclient 96 lazr.uri 97 locket 98 louis 99 lxml 100 lxml-html-clean 101 lz4 102 mapnik 103 MapProxy 104 mappyfile 105 mapscript 106 markdown-it-py 107 MarkupSafe 108 matplotlib 109 matplotlib-inline 110 mdurl 111 more-itertools 112 mpmath 113 msgpack 114 nbclient 115 nbconvert 116 nbformat 117 nest-asyncio 118 netaddr 119 netCDF4 120 netifaces 121 Nik4 122 notebook 123 numpy 124 oauthlib 125 odc-geo 126 odc-stac 127 osmapi 128 osmium 129 OWSLib 130 packaging 131 pandas 132 pandocfilters 133 parso 134 partd 135 pexpect 136 pillow 137 pip 138 platformdirs 139 plotly 140 prometheus-client 141 prompt-toolkit 142 psutil 143 psycopg2 144 ptyprocess 145 pure-eval 146 py 147 pycairo 148 pycsw 149 pycups 150 pydantic 151 pydevd 152 pygeoapi 153 pygeofilter 154 pygeoif 155 Pygments 156 PyGObject 157 PyJWT 158 pyparsing 159 pyproj 160 PyQt5 161 PyQt5-sip 162 pyrsistent 163 pyserial 164 pyshp 165 pystac 166 pystac-client 167 python-apt 168 python-dateutil 169 python-debian 170 pytz 171 pywps 172 pyxdg 173 PyYAML 174 pyzmq 175 QScintilla 176 rasterio 177 regex 178 requests 179 rich 180 SciPy 181 Send2Trash 182 setuptools 183 shapely 184 six 185 snuggs 186 sortedcontainers 187 soupsieve 188 SQLAlchemy 189 stack-data 190 sympy 191 systemd-python 192 tblib 193 tenacity 194 terminado 195 tinycss2 196 tinydb 197 tomlkit 198 toolz 199 tornado 200 traitlets 201 traittypes 202 ... 203 typing_extensions 204 tzlocal 205 ubuntu-drivers-common 206 ubuntu-pro-client 207 ufoLib2 208 ufw 209 unattended-upgrades 210 unicodecsv 211 unicodedata2 212 urllib3 213 usb-creator 214 wadllib 215 wcwidth 216 webencodings 217 Werkzeug 218 wheel 219 widgetsnbextension 220 wxPython 221 xarray 222 xdg 223 xkit 224 xmltodict 225 xyzservices 226 zict 227 zipp 228 }}} 5 229 6 230 7 {{{ … … 557 334 Python 3.12.3 558 335 336 Cartopy dask datacube fiona Flask folium 337 GDAL GeoAlchemy2 geographiclib geojson geolinks geopandas gps ipyleaflet mapnik 338 MapProxy mappyfile mapscript netCDF4 odc-geo odc-stac osmapi osmium OWSLib psycopg2 pycsw 339 pygeoapi pygeofilter pygeoif pyproj pyshp pystac pystac-client rasterio shapely xarray 340 #-- 559 341 user@osgeolive:~$ ls /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/ 560 342 … … 998 780 999 781 }}} 1000 782 {{{ 783 affine 784 appdirs 785 APScheduler 786 argon2-cffi 787 asttokens 788 attrs 789 Babel 790 bcc 791 beautifulsoup4 792 bleach 793 blinker 794 branca 795 Brlapi 796 Brotli 797 bytecode 798 cachetools 799 Cartopy 800 certifi 801 cftime 802 chardet 803 click 804 click-plugins 805 cligj 806 cloudpickle 807 colorama 808 comm 809 command-not-found 810 contourpy 811 coverage 812 cryptography 813 cupshelpers 814 cycler 815 dask 816 datacube 817 dateparser 818 dbus-python 819 debugpy 820 decorator 821 defusedxml 822 deprecation 823 distributed 824 distro 825 distro-info 826 entrypoints 827 executing 828 fastjsonschema 829 filelock 830 fiona 831 Flask 832 folium 833 fonttools 834 fs 835 fsspec 836 future 837 galternatives 838 GDAL 839 GeoAlchemy2 840 geographiclib 841 geojson 842 geolinks 843 geopandas 844 gps 845 greenlet 846 html5lib 847 httplib2 848 humanize 849 idna 850 importlib-metadata 851 importlib-resources 852 iotop 853 ipykernel 854 ipyleaflet 855 ipython 856 ipython-genutils 857 ipywidgets 858 isodate 859 itsdangerous 860 jedi 861 Jinja2 862 jsonref 863 jsonschema 864 jupyter_client 865 jupyter_core 866 jupyter_packaging 867 jupyterlab-pygments 868 kiwisolver 869 language-selector 870 lark 871 launchpadlib 872 lazr.restfulclient 873 lazr.uri 874 locket 875 louis 876 lxml 877 lxml-html-clean 878 lz4 879 mapnik 880 MapProxy 881 mappyfile 882 mapscript 883 markdown-it-py 884 MarkupSafe 885 matplotlib 886 matplotlib-inline 887 mdurl 888 more-itertools 889 mpmath 890 msgpack 891 nbclient 892 nbconvert 893 nbformat 894 nest-asyncio 895 netaddr 896 netCDF4 897 netifaces 898 Nik4 899 notebook 900 numpy 901 oauthlib 902 odc-geo 903 odc-stac 904 osmapi 905 osmium 906 OWSLib 907 packaging 908 pandas 909 pandocfilters 910 parso 911 partd 912 pexpect 913 pillow 914 pip 915 platformdirs 916 plotly 917 prometheus-client 918 prompt-toolkit 919 psutil 920 psycopg2 921 ptyprocess 922 pure-eval 923 py 924 pycairo 925 pycsw 926 pycups 927 pydantic 928 pydevd 929 pygeoapi 930 pygeofilter 931 pygeoif 932 Pygments 933 PyGObject 934 PyJWT 935 pyparsing 936 pyproj 937 PyQt5 938 PyQt5-sip 939 pyrsistent 940 pyserial 941 pyshp 942 pystac 943 pystac-client 944 python-apt 945 python-dateutil 946 python-debian 947 pytz 948 pywps 949 pyxdg 950 PyYAML 951 pyzmq 952 QScintilla 953 rasterio 954 regex 955 requests 956 rich 957 SciPy 958 Send2Trash 959 setuptools 960 shapely 961 six 962 snuggs 963 sortedcontainers 964 soupsieve 965 SQLAlchemy 966 stack-data 967 sympy 968 systemd-python 969 tblib 970 tenacity 971 terminado 972 tinycss2 973 tinydb 974 tomlkit 975 toolz 976 tornado 977 traitlets 978 traittypes 979 ... 980 typing_extensions 981 tzlocal 982 ubuntu-drivers-common 983 ubuntu-pro-client 984 ufoLib2 985 ufw 986 unattended-upgrades 987 unicodecsv 988 unicodedata2 989 urllib3 990 usb-creator 991 wadllib 992 wcwidth 993 webencodings 994 Werkzeug 995 wheel 996 widgetsnbextension 997 wxPython 998 xarray 999 xdg 1000 xkit 1001 xmltodict 1002 xyzservices 1003 zict 1004 zipp 1005 }}}