= OSGeoLive Trac = [[Image(https://wiki.osgeo.org/images/a/ab/OSGeo_project.png, 150px, align=right)]] Issues and supplementary documentation for OSGeoLive. == User resources == * [https://live.osgeo.org/ OSGeoLive home page] - documentation and downloads * [https://sourceforge.net/projects/osgeo-live/files/ Downloads (Sourceforge)] - main download server * [[Live_GIS_Workshop_Install]] - reference to workshops and workshop material == Developer resources == * [[Projects]] page with information about projects * [https://github.com/OSGeo/OSGeoLive OSGeoLive on GitHub] - source code for the OSGeoLive image * [https://git.osgeo.org/gitea/osgeolive/OSGeoLive osgeo-hosted gitea] - source code for the OSGeoLive image * [[How to document a project]] - Information about how to document the projects on OSGeoLive * Stable Release: https://live.osgeo.org * On OSGeoLive: http://localhost/ which is stored in /var/www * Stable Release: https://live.osgeo.org * Nightly Build: https://osgeo.github.io/OSGeoLive-doc/en/index.html * [[How to configure a project documentation]] * [[How to document the overview file]] * [[How to document the quickstart file]] * How to update [[Glossary terms]] * [https://github.com/OSGeo/OSGeoLive-doc OSGeoLive-doc on GitHub] - source code for the OSGeoLive documentation * [https://github.com/OSGeo/OSGeoLive-doc/blob/master/README.rst Documentation build process] * [https://osgeo.github.io/OSGeoLive-doc/en/index.html OSGeoLive home page (development version)] - documentation for the next version of OSGeoLive, built from the master branch of the [https://github.com/OSGeo/OSGeoLive-doc OSGeoLive-doc GitHub repo] on each update * [http://aiolos.survey.ntua.gr/gisvm/ Development downloads (NTUA, Greece)] - downloads of snapshot builds and a staging area for releases * [http://osprey.ucdavis.edu/downloads/osgeo/gisvm/gisvm/ Development downloads (UCDavis, USA)] - downloads of snapshot builds and a staging area for releases == Communication * [[Press Releases]] * [[Release Schedule]] * [https://twitter.com/osgeolive Twitter] administrated by Astrid Emde. Alex and Brian have access too. * [https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/osgeolive Mailing list] * [irc://irc.freenode.net/#osgeolive IRC #osgeolive] - weekly meeting: * Tuesday in Europe and Americas, Wednesday morning in Oceania * Time: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?hour=19&min=0&p1=224&p2=155&p3=195&p4=37&p5=26&p6=240&p7=952&iv=1800 * [http://irclogs.geoapt.com/osgeolive/ Archive of #osgeolive] * you can also use Slack, Matrix and Glitter to join the meeting * Twitter @osgeo - follow us on twitter https://twitter.com/osgeolive == Project Steering Committee * [[OSGeoLive PSC]] * [[Meetings]] == Incubation [[Incubation Process]]