= OSGeo-Live 12.0 Released = 10. September 2018 Version 12.0 of the [http://live.osgeo.org OSGeoLive GIS software collection] has been released, and was distributed at the [https://2018.foss4g.org/ International Conference for Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G) in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania]. == Download == Download the OSGeoLive 12.0 image at https://live.osgeo.org/en/download.html == Release Highlights == Highlights for this release include: * Updated to Lubuntu 18.04 Long Term Support (LTS) release. * Adopted Tansifex Translation tool, and made our documentation generation process more efficient * Version updates to many of the included packages == About OSGeoLive == OSGeoLive is a [https://lubuntu.net Lubuntu] based distribution of Geospatial Open Source Software, available via a Virtual Machine, USB and DVD. OSGeoLive is pre-installed with robust open source geospatial software, which can be trialled without installing anything. It includes: * Close to 50 quality geospatial Open Source applications installed and pre-configured * Free world maps and sample datasets * Project Overview and step-by-step Quickstart for each application * Lightning presentation of all applications, along with speaker's script * Translations to multiple languages Homepage: https://live.osgeo.org == Credits == Hundreds of people have directly helped with OSGeoLive packaging, documenting and translating, and thousands have been involved in building the packaged software. Thank you to all involved. == Sponsoring organisations == * [http://www.osgeo.org OSGeo - the Open Source Geospatial Foundation] provides development & hosting infrastructure for OSGeoLive and many of the included applications. * [http://ice.ucdavis.edu Information Center for the Environment (ICE)] at the University of California, Davis provides hardware resources and development support. * [http://www.ntua.gr Remote Sensing Laboratory at the National Technical University of Athens], provides hardware resources and development support. * The [https://pkg-grass.alioth.debian.org/ Debian GIS] and [https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGIS UbuntuGIS] teams provide and quality-assure many of the core packages. * [https://okeanos.grnet.gr/ Okeanos] is kindly providing Virtual Machines for building the OSGeoLive iso images.