| 1 | Bloomberg Analytics Group hosted a **Jupyter Days** event in San Francisco, April 2019 |
| 2 | |
| 3 | Review of Ubuntu 1804 Bionic install of Jupyter |
| 4 | |
| 5 | * get the chroot-build.log for a recent nightly of OSGeoLive |
| 6 | * look for references to Jupyter components |
| 7 | * check the Ubuntu Bionic packaging website for details |
| 8 | * note the Ubuntu packaging committer emails |
| 9 | |
| 10 | Contents Include: |
| 11 | jupyter-core 4.4.0 |
| 12 | python3-jupyter-client 5.2.2 |
| 13 | jupyter-nbextension-jupyter-js-widgets 6.0.0 |
| 14 | jupyter-notebook 5.2.2 |
| 15 | python-jupyter-core 4.4.0 |
| 16 | jupyter-nbconvert 5.3.1 |
| 17 | R language 3.4.4 |
| 18 | IRKernel (git master branch snapshot) to /usr/local/share/jupyter/kernels/ir |
| 19 | |
| 20 | Notes |
| 21 | |
| 22 | JupyterLab is approaching 1.0 |
| 23 | only 53 open issues at this time |
| 24 | goal is to ship in time for SciPy 2019 |
| 25 | |
| 26 | npm is required to use any JupyterLab extension |
| 27 | npm is not required for basic JupyterLab install |
| 28 | |
| 29 | ref github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/releases |
| 30 | |
| 31 | commit msgs include a short hash, for some security |
| 32 | Jason and others do a build and upload to PyPi for pip users |
| 33 | |
| 34 | |