wiki:How to configure a project documentation

Version 17 (modified by cvvergara, 2 months ago) ( diff )


How to update / add a project in the documentation

Since documentation is built automatically, projects data are stored in project_info.csv file. It is the main point of entry of the docs.

It can be found here:

To add a new project, you have to add a new line in this file. To update a project information, just modify the corresponding line. Then commit and push your changes and make a pull request to the OSGeoLive repository.

project_info.csv organization

The file is organized with 13 columns/fields

  • separated by the pipe | symbol:
  • Columns with ? symbol requiere a Y or N Value
# document? | slug |version| Quickstart? |Overview?|Section| last | One Liner| OpenHub name |URL|kind|name|ISO

The 13 fields are described below.

Several categories have been made with comments to help organize the projects. Please add your project in the corresponding one:

  • Desktop GIS : General GIS viewing, editing and analysis in the browser
  • Browser Facing GIS: General GIS viewing, editing and analysis in the browser
  • Web Services: Publishing spatial data to the internet
  • Data Stores: Storing spatial data
  • Navigation and Maps
  • Spatial Tools: Specific analysis tools
  • Domain Specific GIS: Applications targeted at a specific domain
  • Data: Spatial data sets
  • Geospatial Libraries
  • RETIRED: projects that have been retired from the project

Fields description

Each field have a purpose in the doc building and should be fill carefully.

  • document?
  • page/project name (slug)
  • version
  • Quickstart?
  • Overview?
  • Classification
  • last
  • One Liner
  • OpenHub name
  • URL
  • kind
  • name
  • ISO


Add Y if the project documentation should be build or not reserved to OSGeoLive members

If the project have been retired, please change it to N and move it to retired section.


Page name used to construct logo-<slug>.png <slug>_screenshot.png <slug>_overview.rst etc. Page name can contains dashes, underscore, numbers or capital letters but no spaces.

  • It determines what files needs to be created.


User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS is the real name of the project but udig is the slug


Version of the project that is included on OSGeoLive.

  • A proposed value can be set up.
  • The definitive value will be set by OSGeoLive developers.


  • 2.14.14 for QGIS 2.14.14
  • 4.3.0a for 4.3.0 alpha release of Spatialite


Is there a quickstart?

Add Y if the documentation should build a quickstart page for the project, N if it doesn't.


Is there an overview?

Add Y if the documentation should build an overview page for the project, N if it doesn't.


General category where your project fit in.

Please choose in the ones provided below.

If your project needs a special category, please contact the OSGeoLive team so we can add it in our building process. Otherwise, the pages won't be built.

For readability please also set the line in the corresponding section

  • Desktop GIS : General GIS viewing, editing and analysis in the browser
  • Browser Facing GIS: General GIS viewing, editing and analysis in the browser
  • Web Services: Publishing spatial data to the internet
  • Data Stores: Storing spatial data
  • Navigation and Maps
  • Spatial Tools: Specific analysis tools
  • Domain Specific GIS: Applications targeted at a specific domain
  • Data: Spatial data sets
  • Geospatial Libraries
  • RETIRED: projects that have been retired from the project


Used only for deprecated / removed projects and has the last version of OSGeoLive where it was available.

One Liner

One line description that goes after the quickstart link in the Overview page

OpenHub name

When the project is registered onto OpenHub

  • Please provide the OpenHub name

For example: This is the link to OpenHub for pgRouting:

Then the OpenHub name is pgrouting


Please insert here the complete URL of your project


How are you related to OSGeo ? Are you community ? In incubation or an OSGeo project ? If yes, the corresponding logo will be added to your project pages under the project logo.


  • OSGeo_community
  • OSGeo_project
  • OSGeo_incubation
  • blank


Complete name of the project respecting the case (unlike slug).

For example pgRouting (slug is pgrouting)


Adds a mention if the project is in the VMDK only and not in the ISO. reserved to OSGeoLive members

  • Often it is a matter of size in the ISO.
  • Projects included in the ISO are included in the VMDK.

It takes 2 values:

  • Y : project included the ISO (default value)
  • N : project included the VMDK only

Overviews and quickstarts

Each project has to have an Overview and a Quickstart. You can find more information on the dedicated pages:


Images are stocked in a specific folder:

To create a new project, create a new folder here with slug of your project. As the screenshot and the logo image will be use automatically to build the overview page, be careful with their name.

Locally, on your computer, it should be like this: doc/images/projects/<slug>/

Please note that images have to be in the png format.

Project logos are stock in the images folder of the OSGeolive-doc folder following this path: and are stocked in the project folder.

So if you want to change/update your project logo, just change the file there and that's it. Please call it logo_<your-project-slug>.png so the program can find it.

It should be like this: doc/images/projects/<slug>/logo_<slug>.png

For example, for gvSIG, the project slug is: gvsig so the logo is doc/images/projects/gvsig/logo_gvsig.png

Update project screenshot

Like logos, project screenshots for the overview page are stock in the images folder following this path:

For the automated process of building the documentation, we need you to call your screenshot image like this: <your-project-slug>_screenshot.png. That way it will be find easily during the creation of the documentation.

It should be like this: doc/images/projects/<slug>/<slug>_screenshot.png

For example, for QGIS, the project slug is: qgis so the logo is `doc/images/projects/qgis/qgis_screenshot.png

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.