Opened 13 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#989 closed task

bury the "install" button a bit deeper to avoid accidental hard drive reformats — at Initial Version

Reported by: hamish Owned by: live-demo@…
Priority: major Milestone: OSGeoLive6.0Final
Component: OSGeoLive Keywords: 6.0



it worries me a bit that a new user will pick up the DVD and click past the warnings that install ubuntu will reformat your hard drive. great way to lose a customer.

the default 'chroot method' puts this in your face a bit more, so we might consider making the autoboot just offer the "Try ${RELEASE}" button, and leave the "Install ${RELEASE}" to the documented desktop icon or elsewhere.

it seems the file to hack is /usr/share/ubiquity/gtk/stepLanguage.ui

maybe we can just remove the GtkButton <child> object for "" on lines 88-108 and the image object for ubuntu_installed.png on lines 75-87? (hopefully the widget packing of the rest adapts well)

better yet, figure how to bypass ubiquity at boot time all together, but still have it work if the user installs from the menu. maybe just edit /etc/init/ubiquity.conf and comment out the "starton" lines at the top?


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