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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1850 fixed ZOO-Project-1.6.0 live-demo@… djay

I have tried today the following iso image.

When starting it, none of the ZOO-Project demos were working. He are the solutions I have used to get the demos working again.

By using the ldd tool, I was able to identify that the cannot be found. So, I have added a zo-project.conf file to the /etc/ directory to add a file containing the directory where the can be found. Run the sudo ldconfig command and from here, both the CGAL and the OGR base-vect-ops demos were working.

When trying to run the OTB demo, I noticed in the apache's error.log file says that the updateStatus.xsl cannot be found in /var/data. Indeed, the /var/data directory does not exists (a file with the same name is present), so I have removed the file and created a directory, I have set www-data the owner of the directory and downloaded there the updateStatus.xsl file. From here, the Smoothing service from the demo UI was working for both image/tiff and image/jpeg. Still the image/png output does not work currently. I am working on this and will provide feedbacks asap.

#1710 fixed ZOO packages missing from Xenial kalxas kalxas

The installer is disabled until we have a recent package done. Previous 1.3.0 version will not do since it does not support GDAL 2.x

#929 fixed zoo demo not working kalxas kalxas

zoo demo tools like buffer, centroid and perimeter do not respond when selected.

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