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Results (130 - 132 of 1088)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1641 wontfix mbm_plot does not work out of the box, tries to run mapproject executable live-demo@… kthujvu

Earlier today I helped someone getting mbm_plot to work.

By default mbm_plot tried to find the executable "mapproject" which does not exist. We changed the call in mbm_plot to use "gmt mapproject" instead. It worked fine then.

#1992 fixed Add user to vboxsf group to ease mounting of shared folders live-demo@… kthujvu

You can easily share folders between the guest and host system with VirtualBox with automatic mounting. I just tried it in osgeo-live-11.0-vm.vmdk and had no permissions to access the mounted directory. Simply adding the default user to the vboxsf group solves this.

Please add the default user "user" to the group "vboxsf" to ease mounting of shared folders. I see no protentual issues.

#450 fixed Some install scripts for LiveDVD beta2 are outdated live-demo@… klokan

I was reviewing the "build log" of LiveDVD beta2. It seems that some of the install scripts which are used to build the VM are not upgraded from SVN to the latest version. Please sync with SVN before building next version of the LiveDVD virtual machine!

I see that the is in the obsolete version, because it fails with an error message, which is not anymore in the source code of the script - you have used probably revision r1968 from date 2009-09-13. Latest version is r2107 from 2009-09-17. The latest version should run without problems.

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