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Results (106 - 108 of 1130)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2345 fixed Transifex changes osgeolive@… cvvergara

Transifex has made many changes

  • transifex.yml file is required with more or less the following contents
    - filter_type: dir
      file_format: PO
      source_file_extension: po
      source_language: en
      source_file_dir: locale/en/LC_MESSAGES
      # path expression to translation files, must contain <lang> placeholder
      translation_files_expression: 'locale/<lang>/LC_MESSAGES'
  • the tx python client is deprecated and the new one is in go language.

This client is used to pull the translations. So the person doing the task of pulling the translations need to install the new tx client.

  • the tx/config needs to be updated for the new tx client
  • Wiki documentation of how to download translations and building the translated language to check for sphinx errors is needed
#2344 fixed gmt packages osgeolive@… cvvergara

On the documentation:

Things to try

Look at some of the examples found in: `/usr/share/doc/gmt/examples <../../gmt/examples/>`_

.. packages:
  gmt-doc (and -pdf)
  gmt-tutorial (and -pdf)

None of those packages mentioned (as comment) are installed and therefore the examples & tutorial are not there.

2 possible solutions:

  1. Install all those packages on OSGeoLive
  2. Use links from gmt homepage on OSGeoLive-doc and mention that those packages need to be installed.

For the moment I will solve on OSGeoLive-doc as the internal link is giving problems.

#2338 fixed update IRC link to Libera osgeolive@… enockseth

Update IRC link on WikiStart to Libera

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