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Results (100 - 102 of 1116)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#476 fixed localhost not viewable in offline mode live-demo@… camerons

When the network is disconnected, the http://localhost url is not found in firefox. In particular http://localhost:5000 doesn't find the mapfish application.

To reproduce the problem:

  • Turn networking off in a VM (usually bottom right icon on display), or disconnect ethernet cable if running from an iso image, and turn off wireless on the computer.
  • type http://localhost:5000 into a firefox browser. The mapfish application should come up when this problem is fixed.

=== Manual fix:

  • Type about:config as the URL into firefox. Select "I'll be careful"
  • You should see a list of config options
  • Select "browser.offline-apps.notify" to set it to false.
#477 fixed Add symbolic link to data directory from /home/user live-demo@… camerons

We should have a symbolic link from the home directory to the data directories. Ie:

cd /home/user ln -s /usr/local/share data

#487 fixed List project licenses live-demo@… camerons

It seems that there are some projects which are not purely Open Source, and as such we should be listing the licenses somewhere in the documentation.

Jody Garnett wrote:

uDig includes ECW and MRSID support which is not under an open source license (not available for use on servers, software is limited in the size of image it can support or something). The license is included in the udig directory along with the LGPL.


So we should:

  1. Define how each project should describe their license. I assume as a HTML snippet?


  1. Incorporate into the documentation build process.
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