Custom query (1091 matches)


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Results (91 - 93 of 1091)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#731 fixed SVN commit access for LiveDVD live-demo@… olt

Hi, I'm managing the MapProxy package and documentation for the LiveDVD and want to request SVN commit access to publish my contributions.

My OSGeo login is olt.

Thanks, Oliver

#775 fixed MapServer does not support WMS live-demo@… olt

The MapServer itasca demo on the LiveDVD does not support WMS. It is missing a projection definition and the ows_enable_request settings. I reported that two month ago

It is not possible to use the demo in uDig/QGIS/MapProxy/etc. The MapServer demo/quick guide works, but it should also support WMS since we (OSGeo) advocate open standards.

#1381 fixed Duplicate pywps logo live-demo@… olt

The repo contains two versions of the PyWPS logo with the same filename but different casing. Windows and Mac OS X filesystems don't like that and I'm now unable to update the SVN repo.

Can someone remove one of the files and make sure only in casing is referenced from the docs?


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