Custom Query (1118 matches)


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Results (91 - 93 of 1118)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2349 fixed QGIS/QGIS Server: Permission for data folder after install osgeolive@… fuzsin

After installing of OSGeoLive 14.0 the permissions for data folder (data -> /usr/local/share/data) are not set to current users, so the files cannot be edited and QGIS server data cannot be displayed.

#2348 fixed iso customization fails in Ubuntu 22.04 osgeolive@… kalxas

While creating the iso at the end of the build process, mkisofs throws an error:

Creating iso...
genisoimage: Uh oh, I cant find the boot catalog directory 'isolinux'!
isohybrid: could not open file `../osgeolive-nightly-build8-amd64-20a37af-jammy.iso': No such file or directory

Looks like Ubuntu has dropped isolinux from the iso since 20.10:

#2347 fixed sphinx problems osgeolive@… cvvergara

I am finding since today the following error:

exception: cannot import name 'contextfunction' from 'jinja2'

I looked around and here they have a similar problem:

I tried to solve it as they recommend in the comments. Now I am getting:

Could not import extension sphinxjp.themes.revealjs (exception: cannot import name 'Directive' from 'sphinx.util.compat'

The error does not show on this PR which use a more recent sphinx version:

(links are failing but no sphinx error)

This issue will be resolved when the PR is merged

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