Custom Query (1116 matches)


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Results (88 - 90 of 1116)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1182 wontfix create UbuntuGIS package for spatialite-gui and spatialite-gis live-demo@… kalxas

Those are still being built during chroot, having a deb for both would speed-up Live build

#1198 wontfix OpenLayers and Leaflet menu items should be under Browser Clients live-demo@… kalxas

OpenLayers is a Javascript library, so it is a client side application on the browser.

Leaflet examples also have to be added.

#1200 wontfix Move from static to dynamic Link generation for missing rst files live-demo@… fgdrf


  • Makefile down below doc folder creates symlinks for missing rst files in translation sub-folders
  • it scans the root directory and folders in the 2nd order (en/*/*)


  • (possible) changes in the folder structure requires to change Makefile
  • new rst files (e.g. metrics.rst) in the first order down below the language are not considered and causes into http 404 Errors if the document is linked from somewhere


the Make target link_to_en_docs should be more flexible and should analyse the current tree of sub-dirs.

START_DIR     = $(shell pwd)
ORIGIN_FILES  = $(shell find ./en -name "*.rst" -print)


        # For quickstart, standards and overview docs which have not been
        # translated, link to english doc
        for LANG in $(TRANSLATIONS) ; do \
          for DOC in $(ORIGIN_FILES) ; do \
            TRANSLATED_DOC=`echo $$DOC | sed -e"s/en/$$LANG/"` ; \
            TARGET_EN=`echo $$DOC | sed -e"s#^#../../#"` ; \
            if [ ! -f $$TRANSLATED_DOC ] ; then \
              rm -f $$TRANSLATED_DOC ; \
              ln -s $$TARGET_EN $$TRANSLATED_DOC ; \
            fi ; \
          done ; \

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