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Results (85 - 87 of 1137)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1383 fixed qgis_server demo brings the OSGeo Live VM down live-demo@… rouault

When having launched Firefox and then the QGIS_MapServer demo, panning works. But once you zoom in, blank map or partly blank with partly valid areas. But more annoying, when zooming in and out a lot, I have had a VM hang. A huge number of qgis_mapserver processes are forked. A top showed the load to go up to 50. This is actually quite easily reproducable (each time I tried that demo, so 3 times).

#1384 fixed GeoMOOSE demo: blank browser jimk rouault

The GeoMOOSE demo launches but nothing displays. It gets stucked on trying to connect to (which pings fine from a console in the VM)

#1385 wontfix Start Geomajas: error 503 live-demo@… rouault

Start Geomajas: a browser opens with a HTTP ERROR : 503. Problem accessing /showcase. Service Unavailable

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