Custom query (1091 matches)


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Results (82 - 84 of 1091)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1150 fixed Installation of GeoNode provides 404 error ingenieroariel kalxas

As can be seen here: ` Processing triggers for libc-bin ... ldconfig deferred processing now taking place Downloading/unpacking geonode==2.0b10 Running egg_info for package geonode Downloading/unpacking PIL (from geonode==2.0b10) Could not find any downloads that satisfy the requirement PIL (from geonode==2.0b10) No distributions at all found for PIL (from geonode==2.0b10) ` PIL was not available for the last builds due to Pypi transition:

#1161 wontfix GeoNode is being served from a dist-packages dir ingenieroariel ingenieroariel

For security purposes the static files should be placed in /var/www/geonode as well as the wsgi as it is done in the official packages.

After all is working correctly I will do the change.

#1179 fixed Link python-gisdata to Live data dir ingenieroariel darkblueb

package python-gisdata, bearing the mysterious name ingenieroariel, is installed, which places these files:

user@live-b495:~$ du -sh /usr/share/pyshared/gisdata
11M	/usr/share/pyshared/gisdata
user@live-b495:~$ du -sh /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gisdata
1.1M	/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gisdata

Our practice on the Live is to link directories with common data in them, to an entry in /usr/local/share/data .

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