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Results (79 - 81 of 1091)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1073 wontfix Cartaro Quickstart review: Openlayers version Warnings appear in the process live-demo@… jsanchez

Doing the quickstart some warnings about OpenLayers library version appear:

Not suggested compatible version. Though you are very welcome to use whatever version of the OpenLayers library you want, it is suggested that you use version 2.12. You are currently not using that version or we are unable to determine which version you are using. Update your library settings at OpenLayers settings.

Valid library found with a Javascript client check; version: Release 2.12

#1080 wontfix Ushahidi Quickstart review live-demo@… jsanchez

Ushahidi quickstart works just fine on 6.5, apart from tcket #1079, in order to know mysql root password if requiered.

I`ve added some suggestions in .rst file, as backend environment should be described. It is a great part of the application. Describing main modules and capabilities of backend. with some screenshot would be great.

It also could be improved to be more compliant with the quickstarts standar/template, as there is not 'What next?' section in the end of the doc...

#1120 wontfix gpsbabel works only as root live-demo@… micha

I see that trying to download data with gpsbabel from a garmin GPS works only as root on the Live DVD. The user 'user' doesn't have permissions on the USB device. So the QGIS plugin GPSTools also doesn't work.

The workaround suggested here is to add a udev rules file. (The user 'user' is already a member of plugdev). Should we consider something like:

echo << EOF > /etc/udev/rules.d/51-garmin.rules
ATTRS{idVendor}=="091e", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0003", MODE="664", GROUP="plugdev" 

in the script ?? or elsewhere?

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