Custom query (1091 matches)


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Results (73 - 75 of 1091)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2086 fixed PostGIS Quickstart - can't find sids.shp osgeolive@… bakaniko

The postgis loads the sids shapefile into the database. Unfotunatly, it is (was ?) provided by the sp (an R package) and should found at /usr/lib/R/site-library/spdep/etc/shapes/

/usr/lib/R/site-library/ is empty

This can be provided by installing spData package (6.5 Mo installed)

R command: install.packages('spData')

bash command: Rscript -e "install.packages('spData')"

#2105 fixed Grass screenshot link is not working osgeolive@… bakaniko

in the GRASS overview [1] the screenshot link who send to :

is a 404 page. I think the GRASS website changed


#2129 fixed Automatically building, testing and deploying-the docs with travis and github-pages osgeolive@… bakaniko

I found this link recently about automaticly build and deploy webpages using travis and github-pages:

I think we can build in our github repo a more up to date documentation for our contributors

It can be triggered when we merge. In that way, people won't have to wait the next release.

Plus we can build more artifacts like doc bundles for the liveDVD and a presentation archive for our speakers.

  • Webpages
  • debian package
  • presentation bundle
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