Custom query (1091 matches)


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Results (67 - 69 of 1091)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1941 fixed Missing R packages live-demo@… bakaniko


I tested the quickstart for R and encountered several errors.

  • sp and maptools packages are not installed (minor)

=> quickly fix with install.packages("sp"); install.packages("maptools") => need an internet connection => note that installing maptools generates an error about rgeos availability but can be used anyway

  • rgdal package can't be installed (major): => rgdal (1.2-7) needs R >= 3.3.0 and sp >= 1.1.0 => installed R version is 3.2.3

Nicolas (aka Bakaniko)

#1957 invalid QGIS quickstart : incorrect dataset live-demo@… bakaniko

In the lastr part of the QGIS quistart, Importing OSM data, point 6 filters on highway field. But there is just an id field in the data.

#1986 wontfix There is no more liveDVD distribution through torrent live-demo@… bakaniko

This section speaks about uploading the liveDVD to an torrent tracker. The tracker is not responding.

So this part is deprecated:

It should be removed or updated.

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