Custom Query (1116 matches)


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Results (67 - 69 of 1116)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1905 wontfix IRC client live-demo@… bakaniko

I had a question so I wanted to join the irc channel.

But there is no irc client installed like hexchat.

I think it will be nice to have one, even if it takes 5 MB of space. Especially if we can make it autojoin the irc channel.

That way people wwho need some help using the dvd can come that way.

Or maybe by using the chatzilla plugin.

What do you think ?


#1941 fixed Missing R packages live-demo@… bakaniko


I tested the quickstart for R and encountered several errors.

  • sp and maptools packages are not installed (minor)

=> quickly fix with install.packages("sp"); install.packages("maptools") => need an internet connection => note that installing maptools generates an error about rgeos availability but can be used anyway

  • rgdal package can't be installed (major): => rgdal (1.2-7) needs R >= 3.3.0 and sp >= 1.1.0 => installed R version is 3.2.3

Nicolas (aka Bakaniko)

#1957 invalid QGIS quickstart : incorrect dataset live-demo@… bakaniko

In the lastr part of the QGIS quistart, Importing OSM data, point 6 filters on highway field. But there is just an id field in the data.

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