Custom Query (1116 matches)
Results (64 - 66 of 1116)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#1616 | wontfix | Comments on OSGeo-live 9.5 alpha2 testing | ||
Description |
There is some comment I made after testing OSGeo-live 9.5 alpha2. Everything I tried was working and major stuff was in french, so i happy with it. Here is just some feedback that might useful. It is mostly quickstarts , but i went a little forward on qgis and postgis. thanks to kalxas suggesting posting it here.(comments in brackets are his) Tests
#1670 | wontfix | PostGIS not available in TileMill | ||
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When following the TileMill quickstart, first you create a project, then you load data from the PostGIS DB. Which you can't since it is greyed ! Looking to use gdal and Mapnik, i found the reason: TileMill needs the mapnik-input-plugin-postgis to communicate with the DB. If you install the package, you can use the PostGIS tab in TileMill. I didn't finish the quickstart since i found a way around. But I recommend to had those package in OSGeo-Live 10.0: mapnik-input-plugin-postgis mapnik-input-plugin-ogr mapnik-input-plugin-gdal mapnik-input-plugin-osm mapnik-input-plugin-sqlite They are around 200 kB each. |
#1740 | fixed | QGIS_GRASS unable to make mapset element in QGIS quickstart | ||
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When following the QGIS quickstart, you can't add the roadsmajor vector layer. There is 15 files that can't be loaded too. Error message: roadsmajor: Unable to make mapset element .tmp/osgeolive (/home/user/grassdata/nc_basic_spm_grass7/PERMANENT/.tmp: Permission denied Link to screenshot: Creating the contour lines layer is not possible too |