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Results (61 - 63 of 1137)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1774 fixed Switch to MapProxy packaging maintained by the Debian GIS team live-demo@… Bas Couwenberg

OSGeo-Live should switch to the MapProxy packaging maintained by the Debian GIS team, which is included in the main Debian & Ubuntu repositories too:

The packaging differs somewhat from that in OSGeo-Live so far.

The old packaging had only the python-mapproxy binary package which contained everything, in the new packaging the python-mapproxy binary package provides the library for Python 2, and python3-mapproxy the library for Python 3.

The commandline utilities are moved to /usr/lib/<package>/. Architecture independent data is moved to /usr/share/<package>/ and symlinked from their origin under /usr/lib/python<version>/dist-packages/mapproxy/.

The new mapproxy binary package provides the commandline tools in /usr/bin/, which are symlinks to the Python scripts in /usr/lib/python-mapproxy/ provided by the python-mapproxy package. The mapproxy package also provides the manpages for the commandline tools.

The new mapproxy-doc binary package provides the documentation, and is suggested by the mapproxy package. It should make use the MapProxy-docs tarball in obsolete.

The changes to for the new mapproxy packages are included in attachment:install_mapproxy.patch

#1776 fixed Install libgdal-grass metapackage instead of version specific library package live-demo@… Bas Couwenberg

Starting from libgdal-grass (2.1.1-1~exp1) the libgdal-grass source package provides the libgdal-grass metapackage which depends on the version specific library package (e.g. libgdal20-2.1.1-grass).

The metapackage is intended to ease installation and upgrade of the version specific library package, and is suggested by the gdal-bin package (not recommended to avoid a circular dependency that would complicate upgrades).

Once the GDAL packages in OSGeo-Live are upgraded to version 2.1.1 or later attachment:install_grass.patch can be applied to install the metapackage instead of the version specific library package, removing the need to change the version in the install script every time the GDAL version changes.

#2137 fixed Remove pyspatialite package from PPA osgeolive@… Bas Couwenberg

The pyspatialite package was only used for QGIS 2.x, since QGIS 3.x it is no longer used (the SQLite bindings are used with load_extension).

The package should be removed from the PPA like it has been from Debian unstable.

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