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Results (58 - 60 of 1116)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#982 fixed Upgrade sphinx environment to support linkcheck build goal live-demo@… fgdrf

To continuously check the external links in sphinx docs the build goal linkcheck should run every time the sphinx-build has been started (see root/livedvd/gisvm/trunk/bin/

linkcheck is available since version 1.1 of sphinx and check references, which can be configured by set up a ignore list, for example localhost URL's (see linkcheck_ignore config option).

This would help to avoid outdated references to external resources.

#1139 fixed Upgrade pgRouting to version 2.0.0 dkastl dkastl

With OSGeo Live 7.0 pgRouting should be upgraded to version 2.0.0, but the packages on Launchpad have not been build yet. Once this is done, update the install script as well.

#1300 fixed upgrade of postgis/mapnik broke gpsdrive live-demo@… hamish


gpsdrive doesn't start because legacy_minimal.sql called from failed to load because it doesn't exist anymore on the disc.

see also!topic/mapnik/e9xO1JiqFv4

is it valid to copy in the old version of legacy.sql from the 7.0 disc?

Also I notice that the python-mapnik package (2.2) isn't installed, but the python-mapnik2 (2.0) version is. Is that intentional? Libraries for both versions are installed (which is fine).

postgis is version 2.1.1. postgresq is mostly version 9.3.2.

thanks, Hamish

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