Custom Query (1116 matches)


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Results (43 - 45 of 1116)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2309 fixed vbox notify-send errors on v14-beta osgeolive@… sethg

When running the ISO on Virtual Box (6.1) the following errors continually pop-up:

"VBoxClient: Failure waiting for event: rc=VERR_INVALID_HANDLE"

"VBoxClient: Failed to get display change request: rc=VERR_INVALID_HANDLE"

Possbily related link:

From IRC:

kalxas[m]> yes, those errors come from the vbox utilities installed by default <kalxas[m]> looks like a vbox driver issue

#1719 fixed Ushahidi reports errors on setup live-demo@… kalxas

Ushahidi launches ok but then reports missing extensions (mbstring and mysql).

This is the error from the build log:

Module rewrite already enabled
./ 117: ./ php5enmod: not found
Restarting apache2...

#1080 wontfix Ushahidi Quickstart review live-demo@… jsanchez

Ushahidi quickstart works just fine on 6.5, apart from tcket #1079, in order to know mysql root password if requiered.

I`ve added some suggestions in .rst file, as backend environment should be described. It is a great part of the application. Describing main modules and capabilities of backend. with some screenshot would be great.

It also could be improved to be more compliant with the quickstarts standar/template, as there is not 'What next?' section in the end of the doc...

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